Russia as immigration country: policy response to refugees and internally displaced persons

Ludmila Golovataia

ORCID: Ludmila Golovataia:

Pages: 187-205

Edition: Lublin 2018

DOI: --

Citation method: Ludmila Golovataia, Dan Dinner, ‘Russia as immigration country: policy response to refugees and internally displaced persons’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2018, pp. 187-205.

Abstract: The problem of people’s forced displacement refers to the most acute. People displaced by conflict, persecution or other human rights violations are the most vulnerable groups in the world. The question of how to regulate migration in such a way as to enhance its positive effects, reducing the negative ones is one of the most important in countries. Russia, like other industrialized countries, attracts migrant. However, there are significant differences between European countries and Russia. The aim of the paper is to investigate the problem of refugees and internally displaced persons in the Russian Federation in international legal, political and social aspects and possible ways for its solution. The article reflects general condition of refugees and internally displaced persons, taking into account the specifics of the political socialization process in Russia.