European Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes on Polish Borders: Determinants of Cross-Border Effects, Weaknesses and Necessary Changes

Andrzej J. Żuk

ORCID: Andrzej J. Żuk: 0000-0002-7984-4382

Strony: 123-140

Wydanie: Lublin 2018

DOI: --

Sposób cytowania: Andrzej J. Żuk, ‘European Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes on Polish Borders: Determinants of Cross-Border Effects, Weaknesses and Necessary Changes’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2018, pp. 123-140.

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Abstrakt: European cross-border cooperation programmes (ECCPs) implemented on Polish borders during two completed programming periods (2004-2006 and 2007-2013) had a positive impact on border regions the programmes covered. At the same time, their weaknesses, identified in the subject matter literature, did not allow full use of the potential of cross-border cooperation. The aim of the paper is to show the most important weaknesses of the programmes and to propose ways to overcome them. The first way to do so is to analyse the main determinants of the so-called ‘cross-border effects’ (CBEs). The second idea is to characterise and evaluate the institutional system of the ECCPs The third way is to propose a systemic solution to the problems with the ECCPs. It is proposed in the form of a strategic approach to borderlands development. Finally, the weaknesses of the ECCPs are divided into ‘technical’ and ‘chronic’ ones, with outlining the appropriate measures for limiting both categories.


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