Problematyka trudnej pamięci w relacjach armeńsko‑tureckich i jej implikacje międzynarodowe (en translation)

Agnieszka Cianciara

ORCID: Agnieszka Cianciara:

Pages: 91-108

Edition: Lublin 2012

DOI: --

Abstract: Armenian-Turkish relations are profoundly marked by traumatic experience and difficult collective memory of annihilation of part of the nation on the Armenian side and by the equally traumatic collective amnesia about the inglorious past on the Turkish side. Tragic incidents that involved both nations almost a century ago still shape foreign policy choices and strategies of the two countries, both at the regional and global level. Failure to achieve reconciliation not only results in resurgent hostility and inability to resolve present regional conflicts, but also determines options and room for manoeuvre of the global players, namely the United States and the European Union.