10 September 2024

Damian Szacawa participated in the opening event of the Polish Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region in Warsaw / 10 September 2024

Damian Szacawa participated in the opening event of the Polish Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region in Warsaw / 10 September 2024

Damian Szacawa, Senior Analyst in the Department of the Baltics at the Institute of Central Europe took part in a panel entitled ‘Security, resilience, disinformation, civil protection and support to Ukraine – What impact will they have on all Policy Areas’ at the opening event of the Polish Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region.

The event, which was opened by Mr Marek Prawda, Deputy Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland) and Ms Katarzyna Barcikowska, National Coordinator for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland), was held in Warsaw on 10 September 2024. The panel ‘Security, resilience, disinformation, civil protection and support to Ukraine – What impact will they have on all Policy Areas’ was devoted to an overview of the security situation in the Baltic Sea Region following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and an analysis of the consequences of this invasion for the states and societies of the region. Panellists addressed topics including disinformation, propaganda, public resilience, civil defence and changing thinking about the region and regional cooperation. The panel moderated by Damian Szacawa also included Ms Katarzyna Szaran (Deputy Director of the Department for Strategic Communications and Countering Foreign Disinformation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland) and Mr Adrian Bucałowski (Deputy Director of the Civil Protection Department, National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland).
