Książki, konferencje i debaty Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w latach 2004-2010 (en translation)

Jerzy Łukaszewski

ORCID: Jerzy Łukaszewski:

Pages: 99-110

Edition: Lublin 2010

DOI: --

Abstract: The article deals with the questions concerning the activity of two academic centres in Lublin: the Association of the Institute of East Central Europe, established in 1991, and the Institute of East Central Europe, existing since 2002. The analysis concentrates on the most important publications of both the institutes as well as the intellectual achievements related to organized conferences, always of an international character. Both the centres popularize the themes connected with the concept of East Central Europe but also with the heritage of the Commonwealth of Many Nations. The achievements of the Association of the Institute of East Central Europe and the Institute of East Central Europe bring the organization of the knowledge to date and, what is more, they create a completely new discourse on East Central Europe, its culture and the nations creating it.