Liberalizacja rynku energetycznego – mity, przesłanki, uwarunkowania (en translation)

Rafał Riedel

ORCID: Rafał Riedel: 0000-0001-8344-2944

Afiliacja: Uniwersytet Opolski, Polska

Pages: 155-180

Edition: Lublin 2013

DOI: --

Abstract: Liberalisation of energy markets, often wrongly understood as deregulation, has its own specifics, important from the analytical point of view. Implying the competition pressure on a specific market does not need to imply deregulation. Some markets require more and some less regulation, which does not necessarily mean resignation from free market rules. Standing to some principles, like for example: non-discrimination, equal competition rules, or equal access to resources, may result in a competitive, though highly regulated, market. In this text, the author puts into consideration the energy market on which energy production is treated as a commercial operation, whereas energy transmission and distribution as a strategic sphere which should be disconnected from market games. This issue is crucially important from the point of view of the post-Soviet economies of Central and Eastern Europe. Energy sectors from this region vary distinctively, ranging from state monopolies, through oligopolies, to the more pluralistic market structures. This text provides and discusses the main determinants which should be taken into account in the process of energy market liberalization.