How can energy resilience be strengthened in Central and Eastern European states?

Jak wzmocnić odporność energetyczną w państwach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej?

Urszula Kurczewska

ORCID: Urszula Kurczewska: 0000-0001-8280-865X

Afiliacja: Department of Sociology, Warsaw School of Economics

Pages: 141-157

Edition: Lublin 2024


Citation method: U. Kurczewska, How can energy resilience be strengthened in Central and Eastern European states?, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 22 (2024), z. 1, s. 141-157, DOI:

Abstract: The energy crisis resulting from Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine in 2022 is seen by the European Union as an opportunity to accelerate the energy transition and strengthen energy resilience. Energy resilience is particularly important for Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, which are highly dependent on imports of energy resources and which possess significant potential for the development of energy based on renewable sources. The article presents an analysis of the energy resilience of CEE countries in the context of the challenges related to the energy crisis, Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the EU’s ambitious climate goals. The aim of the analysis is to identify the factors that contribute to strengthening or weakening the energy resilience of these countries. The results of the study confirm the thesis that the process of strengthening the energy resilience of CEE countries is progressing, but too slowly and unevenly. The most serious problems for these countries are the increase in the share of energy from renewable sources, the modernisation and expansion of the old electricity grid, the lack of decentralisation of the energy system, and insufficient cross-border cooperation in the field of energy exchange. The findings can help to understand the political, technological and economic challenges faced by CEE countries in their energy systems.


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