Europeizacja organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego

Paweł Kamiński

ORCID: Paweł Kamiński: 0000-0001-7874-3005

Afiliacja: Polska Akademia Nauk

Szczepan Czarnecki

ORCID: Szczepan Czarnecki: 0000-0002-1363-194X

Afiliacja: Instytut Europy Środkowej, Pol

Pages: 27-43

Edition: Lublin 2024


Citation method: P. Kamiński, S. Czarnecki, Europeizacja organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 22 (2024), z. 4: Unia Europejska z perspektywy państw Europy Środkowej, s. 27-43, DOI:


Keywords: , ,

Abstract: Organized interest groups and advocacy organizations in democratic states play a crucial role in shaping public policies and influencing the final form of development models implemented. Individual public policies are created and executed both at the national level and within the framework of the European Union (EU). Simultaneously, the process of European integration has led to an increased transfer of competencies from the national to the European level. Consequently, interest groups aiming to maintain influence over legislation cannot rely solely on access to national public policy channels; they must also invest resources in lobbying at the European level. Therefore, the goal of this analysis is to explore whether and how organized interest groups from selected Central and Eastern European countries are subject to Europeanization pressure.


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