Tło aksjologiczne protestów 2020 roku i powyborczego kryzysu politycznego na Białorusi

Axiological background of the protests in 2020 and the post-election political crisis in Belarus

Piotr Rudkouski

ORCID: Piotr Rudkouski:

Pages: 215-235

Edition: Lublin 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.3.10

Citation method: P. Rudkouski, Tło aksjologiczne protestów 2020 roku i powyborczego kryzysu politycznego na Białorusi, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 3, s. 215-235, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.3.10.

Keywords: , , ,

Abstract: The pro-democratic mobilization of Belarusians in 2020 does not fit in with the pattern typical of the region, where democratization was accompanied by an increase in pro-Western attitudes. Before the outbreak of the protests, in the course of their duration, and after their cessation, pro-Russian attitudes have prevailed over pro-European ones. Besides, Belarusians have a problematic national identity, an ambivalent attitude towards emancipatory values and are still attached to the attributes of the Soviet era. Such a configuration
of values did not prevent the formation of a strong demand for democracy. However, it may significantly hinder the process of system transformation towards democracy.


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