6 October 2020

Online debate: Grupa Wyszehradzka – Bilans 30 lat udanej współpracy oraz perspektywy na przyszłość, October 7, 2020

Online debate: Grupa Wyszehradzka – Bilans 30 lat udanej współpracy oraz perspektywy na przyszłość, October 7, 2020

The Institute of Central Europe would like to invite you to participate in online debate “Grupa Wyszehradzka – Bilans 30 lat udanej współpracy oraz perspektywy na przyszłość” (The Visegrad Group – 30 years of good cooperation and future perspectives) which will take place on October 7, 2020, at 12 a.m.

The debate is a part of Polsko-Czeska młodzież – szansa na lepszą przyszłość” project (Polish-Czech Youth – the Chance for a Better Future) , organized by European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation.

The panel will be available to watch on the channel of the Economic Forum of Young Leaders both in Polish and English: https://www.youtube.com/user/ForumYoungLeaders

The webinar will be held by dr hab. Tomasz Stępniewski, Deputy Director of ICE for Research and Analyses.

The project Polish-Czech Youth – the Chance for a Better Future is a public task co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the frames of Polish-Czech Forum 2020.
