7 September 2022

On September 2, the Institute of Central Europe hosted the Ambassador of Norway to Poland, His Excellency Mr. Anders H. Eide

On September 2, the Institute of Central Europe hosted the Ambassador of Norway to Poland, His Excellency Mr. Anders H. Eide

On September 2, 2022, Prof. Beata Surmacz, Director of the Institute of Central Europe met with His Excellency Mr. Anders H. Eide, Ambassador of Norway to Poland. The meeting was also attended by the analysts from the Baltic Team (Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik, PhD and Damian Szacawa, PhD) and Eastern Europe (Jakub Olchowski, PhD) and the employees of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw. Among other things, the analysts discussed Poland’s role in Central Europe, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, assistance to refugees from Ukraine, cooperation in the Baltic Sea region, energy security, and climate change.
