14 March 2023

Dr Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik comments on the Estonian elections

Dr Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik comments on the Estonian elections

1. Estonia updates the Concept of National Security, IEŚ Commentaries No. 800, 1.03.2023

2. Estonia on the threshold of parliamentary elections, Heinrich Böll Foundation, 1.03.2023

3. Protesty w Mołdawii. Czy ten kraj będzie kolejnym celem ataku Putina? in “Świat do trzeciej” programme, Polish Radio Troika, 4.03.2023,

4. Estonian parliamentary elections: continuity and change, IEŚ Comments No. 801, 7.03.2023

5. Estonia: reformists won the election. Will Kaja Kallas remain prime minister?, 6.03.2023, commentary for Euractiv.pl

6. dr Kuczyńska-Zonik: in recent years, the Baltic states have become increasingly convinced of the Tri-Croatian concept, Radio Wnet, 7.03.2023

7. Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik – Elections in Estonia. Most voted online, Arrangement of forces, 10.03.2023

8. “On the Roof of the World” programme, Radio357, 10.03.2023

9. “The World In View” programme, Radio Centrum, 14.03.2023, programme at 7.00 pm
