On 6-9 December, Szczepan Czarnecki, an analyst from the Visegrad Team, took part in a study trip to Prague as part of the project “Research Center of the Three Seas Initiative” organized by ISP PAN. During the study visit, participants took part in a series of meetings with partners from the Czech Republic, i.e. with analysts from Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky (Association for International Affairs), representatives of the CEVRO Institute and the Czech Chamber of Commerce. The next point of the study visit carried out within the framework of the project was a meeting with the Prime Minister’s adviser, National Security Minister Tomáš Pojar, at the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Czech Republic. On the last day of the study visit, the participants also met with the director of the Polish Institute – Mr. Maciej Ruczaj and Czech journalists, and then with the ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Czech Republic – Mateusz Gniazdowski.
[Photo: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Prague]
On December 6-9, Szczepan Czarnecki took part in a study trip to Prague as part of the project: Research Center of the Three Seas Initiative organized by ISP PAN