11 July 2024

Seminarium: NATO at 75: NATO Summit in Washington and security of Central and Eastern Europe / 15.07.2024

Seminarium: NATO at 75: NATO Summit in Washington and security of Central and Eastern Europe / 15.07.2024

NATO at 75: NATO Summit in Washington and security of Central and Eastern Europe

Place: Lubelskie Centrum Konferencyjne (LCK, ul. Grottgera 2, 20-029 Lublin)

Time: 15.07.2024

9:30 – 9:45: Opening remarksBeata Surmacz, Director, Institute of Central Europe
9:45-11:15 Panel I: NATO Summit in Washington: Expectations and Reality
11:15-11:45: Coffee break
11:45-13:15 Panel II: Security cooperation between Poland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom (in cooperation with the British Embassy Warsaw)
13:15-13:30: Summary and conclusion of the seminar

9:45-11:15 Panel I: NATO Summit in Washington: Expectations and Reality
Moderator: Damian Szacawa, Institute of Central Europe, Lublin
Jakub Bornio, Institute of Central Europe, Lublin
Bartosz Chmielewski, Centre for Eastern Studies, Warsaw
Dominik P. Jankowski, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Poland to NATO, Brussels
Fritz Rademacher, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
Sergiy Gerasymchuk, Foreign Policy Council Ukrainian PRISM

11:45-13:15 Panel II: Security cooperation between Poland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom (in cooperation with the British Embassy Warsaw)
Moderator: Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik, Institute of Central Europe,
Oleksandr Kraiev, Foreign Policy Council Ukrainian PRISM
Arron Newble, First Secretary, Eastern Policy, British Embassy Warsaw
Piotr Nieć, Rear Admiral, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
Jakub Olchowski, Institute of Central Europe, Lublin
