
Dr Hanna Bazhenova at the 14th International scientific and practical conference, titled “History of Science and Technology. Museum Studies” in Moscow, December 15−16th 2020

From 15 to 16 December 2020 dr Hanna Bazhenova (Department of Eastern Europe) participated in the 14th International scientific and practical conference, titled “History of Science and Technology. Museum Studies” in Moscow. The whole event was held via Zoom platform. During the conference, dr Hanna Bazhenova gave a lecture “Траектории...

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Dr Hanna Bazhenova at the International scientific conference “Russian Exodus” in Moscow, December 8-9, 2020

From 8 to 9 December 2020 dr Hanna Bazhenova (Department of Eastern Europe) participated in the International scientific conference “Russian Exodus” (Международная научно-просветительская конференция „Русский исход”) in Moscow. The whole event was held via Zoom platform. During the conference, dr Hanna Bazhenova...

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Webinar “Grupa Wyszehradzka i Bałkany Zachodnie: relacje, współpraca, integracja europejska”, December 9, 2020

The Institute of Central Europe cordially invites you to the webinar “Grupa Wyszehradzka i Bałkany Zachodnie: relacje, współpraca, integracja europejska” (“The V4 Group and the Western Balkans: relations, cooperation, European integration”). The meeting will be held on December 9, 2020, at 12 a.m. on Zoom. The working language of the webinar is Polish. awd...

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IEŚ Policy Papers 6/2020: Political & Social Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the V4 countries: Report from the first wave (outbreak – August 2020)

We would like to present you with the newest issue of IEŚ Policy Papers 6/2020. The publication is available to read in English version. Our authors are: György Odze, Szczepan Czarnecki, Stefan Drexler, Péter Galambos, Dominik Héjj, Łukasz Lewkowicz and Agata Tatarenko. Political & Social Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the V4 countries: Report from the first wave...

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Panel “Wschodnia flanka NATO” (“NATO’s Eastern Flank”) during the seminar “Polska Polityka Wschodnia 2020” (“Polish Eastern Politics 2020”), 27.11.2020

We would like to invite you to watch the panel “Wschodnia flanka NATO” (“NATO’s Eastern Flank”) during the seminar “Polska Polityka Wschodnia 2020” (“Polish Eastern Politics 2020”). The panel will take place on November 27th at 10 a.m. Participants: Dominik Héjj (Institute of Central Europe) Anna Dyner (Polish Institute of...

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The Visegrad School, second edition, 23.11 – 6.12.2020

The second edition of the Visegrad school will take place between November 23 – December 6, 2020. It is a unique project dedicated to everyone interested in V4 countries, their politics and foreign affairs. The Visegrad School is a perfect possibility to participate in many interesting speeches – our experts will discuss the idea of cooperation between Poland, Czech...

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“Poland and the energy sector under transition: imperatives, actors, issues” – an article co-authored by dr Michał Paszkowski

We are glad to inform that the article “Poland and the energy sector under transition: imperatives, actors, issues” (E. Latoszek, A. Visvizi, M. Paszkowski, A. Wójtowicz) co-authored by dr Michał Paszkowski has been published in Poland in the Single Market: Politics, Economics, the Euro (ed. Anna Visvizi, Anna Matysek-Jędrych, Katarzyna Mroczek-Dąbrowska), Routledge....

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Webinar “Przestrzeń współpracy w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej a kraje Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Pamięć, wyzwania i perspektywy”, October 26-27, 2020

The Institute of Central Europe, the College of Europe in Natolin, the Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute and the Visegrad Foundation, with help of University of Łódź Faculty of Philosophy and History are glad to invite you to take part in the international webinar cycle The Visegrád Group Countries Towards Common Spaces of Cooperation in Central and...

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„The future of EU enlargement and partnership policies: EU actorness in South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood”, Athens, October 15-16, 2020

During the online conference “The future of EU enlargement and partnership policies: EU actorness in South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood”, The Institute of Central Europe organized a panel entitled “The future of EU enlargement and partnership policies: EU actorness in South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood”. Prof. Beata Surmacz, Director of ICE,...

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“The future of EU enlargement and partnership policies: EU actorness in South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood” – online conference, October 15-16, 2020

The ICE analysts are going to participate in online conference “The future of EU enlargement and partnership policies: EU actorness in South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood”, October 15-16, 2020. Our experts are going to present their papers during the session “Regional cooperation frameworks in South-East and Central-East Europe: Complementary initiatives or...

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“The new Democratic Wo/Men of the Western Balkans – Increasing Youth Participation in Democracy” Project

The Institute of Central Europe participates in the project “The new Democratic Wo/Men of the Western Balkans – Increasing Youth Participation in Democracy”. The aim of the program is to broaden the awareness concerning the democratic processes among the teenagers from the Western Balkans and to encourage the youngsters to take an active part in regional politics. Our...

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Online debate: Grupa Wyszehradzka – Bilans 30 lat udanej współpracy oraz perspektywy na przyszłość, October 7, 2020

The Institute of Central Europe would like to invite you to participate in online debate “Grupa Wyszehradzka – Bilans 30 lat udanej współpracy oraz perspektywy na przyszłość” (The Visegrad Group – 30 years of good cooperation and future perspectives) which will take place on October 7, 2020, at 12 a.m. The debate is a part of “Polsko-Czeska młodzież –...

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Webinar: The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: The Origin, Conditioning Factors, Results and Perspectives, September 25, 2020

The Institute of Central Europe cordially invites you to watch the webinar “The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: The Origin, Conditioning Factors, Results and Perspectives”. The meeting was held on September 25, 2020, at 12 a.m. The working language of the webinar was English. The webinar was held via Zoom and is to watch here: Participants: Spasimir Domaradzki, Ph.D.,...

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Dr Łukasz Lewkowicz at the conference in Uzhhorod (Ukraine), September 25, 2020

On September 25, 2020, dr Łukasz Lewkowicz (Department of the Visegrad Group) participated in the conference “The format of development of relations between Ukraine and the Central European states in the context of the impact of hybrid warfare, electoral processes and ensuring the rights of national minorities” organized by the Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine). The...

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Seminar: Granice marzeń. O państwach nieuznawanych (The borders of dreams: About the countries that are not recognised), September 23, 2020

September 23, 2020, Wednesday, 1 a.m. Tomasz Grzywaczewski Granice marzeń. O państwach nieuznawanych (The borders of dreams: About the countries that are not recognised) Moderation: dr hab. Tomasz Stępniewski, Deputy Director of ICE for Research and Analyses Tomasz Grzywaczewski – reporter, writer and analyst specialized in Central and East Europe. Author of the book...

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