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LCEF 2024. Panel 1: Poland and Romania: Partners in strengthening regional resilience with special focus on Moldova

LUBLIN CENTRAL EUROPE FORUM 2024: Reshaping Central Europe: Building a More Sustainable Future / 20-21 maja 2024 21 maja 2024 INTRODUCTION Tomasz Stępniewski, Deputy Director at the Institute of Central Europe  PANEL 1: Poland and Romania: Partners in strengthening regional resilience with special focus on Moldova KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mihai Popsoi, Deputy Prime Minister...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1134
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

The West’s military aid for Ukraine – crisis management in lieu of strategy

Unlocking the aid package for Ukraine by the United States will stabilize the front line and halt Russian advances, but it will not lead to a breakthrough in the war nor to Ukraine regaining the strategic initiative. Western support is scattered, unsystematic and often driven by ad hoc political considerations. Taking into account Russia’s resources and actions, aid for Ukraine...

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Baltic Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1133
Michał Paszkowski - Baltic Team

Slovakia: prospects for natural gas supplies from Azerbaijan

The Russian-Ukrainian war has initiated a strategic shift in Slovakia, moving away from the reliance on natural gas supplies from the Russian Federation. In this new geopolitical context, Slovakia’s challenge lies in securing alternative sources of this commodity, rather than in developing infrastructure, which has already been established over the years and currently...

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Baltic Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1129
Marlena Gołębiowska - Baltic Team

The Blue Economy in Poland and the Baltic States

The blue economy is a concept of sustainable use of marine, ocean, and coastal resources aimed at supporting economic development while caring for the environment. In Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, this part of the economy generates over 5 billion EURof annual value added and employs over 200,000 workers. The blue economy also plays an important role in achieving the...

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Baltic Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1124
Michał Paszkowski - Baltic Team

Moldova: potential problems with electricity availability in 2025

Moldova finds itself in a unique situation regarding electricity availability, which is sourced almost entirely from its breakaway region of Transnistria (which is not recognised by the majority of the international community). Energy is supplied from the Cuciurgani-Moldavskaya GRES (MGRES) power plant, which does not pay for natural gas from the Russian Federation. The planned...

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Baltic Team

- Baltic Team

Dr Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik participated in the joint meeting of the Security and Defence Committee and the Health, Welfare and Family Committee of the Baltic Assembly / 25–26 April 2024

Dr Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik, head of the Department of the Baltics, participated in the joint meeting of the Security and Defence Committee and the Health, Welfare and Family Committee of the Baltic Assembly held on 25–26 April 2024 in Vilnius-Rukla. Dr Kuczyńska-Zonik presented an introductory report on boosting civic aspects of defence in the Baltic States during the...

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Baltic Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1113
Michał Paszkowski - Baltic Team

Imports of commodities and petroleum products from the US to Poland and the Baltic States

The Russian Federation’s aggression toward Ukraine has led Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to cease the importation of commodities and petroleum products from Russia. This has resulted in a gap that has been filled by imports from other sources, including the United States of America. Collaboration with the US influences energy security and holds political significance...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1107
Piotr Oleksy - Eastern Team

Gagauzia – a Russian destabilisation tool

The authorities of the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia display openly pro-Russian attitudes and seek to deepen relations with the Russian Federation. Protests are organised during the visits of representatives of the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to the region. Gagauzia, controlled by the Ilan Șor political group, has become the most important Russian tool used...

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