
Webinar: The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: The Origin, Conditioning Factors, Results and Perspectives, September 25, 2020

The Institute of Central Europe cordially invites you to watch the webinar “The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: The Origin, Conditioning Factors, Results and Perspectives”. The meeting was held on September 25, 2020, at 12 a.m. The working language of the webinar was English. The webinar was held via Zoom and is to watch here: Participants: Spasimir Domaradzki, Ph.D.,...

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Dr Łukasz Lewkowicz at the conference in Uzhhorod (Ukraine), September 25, 2020

On September 25, 2020, dr Łukasz Lewkowicz (Department of the Visegrad Group) participated in the conference “The format of development of relations between Ukraine and the Central European states in the context of the impact of hybrid warfare, electoral processes and ensuring the rights of national minorities” organized by the Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine). The...

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Seminar: Granice marzeń. O państwach nieuznawanych (The borders of dreams: About the countries that are not recognised), September 23, 2020

September 23, 2020, Wednesday, 1 a.m. Tomasz Grzywaczewski Granice marzeń. O państwach nieuznawanych (The borders of dreams: About the countries that are not recognised) Moderation: dr hab. Tomasz Stępniewski, Deputy Director of ICE for Research and Analyses Tomasz Grzywaczewski – reporter, writer and analyst specialized in Central and East Europe. Author of the book...

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“Ukrainian Legitimacy Equation: from Primary Target in Hybrid War to Prerequisite of Good Governance”– the article by dr Hanna Bazhenova & dr Maksym Surzhynski, September 18, 2020

We would like to present the newest article by dr Hanna Bazhenova (Department of Eastern Europe) and dr Maksym Surzhynski (Національна академія наук України), Ukrainian Legitimacy Equation: from Primary Target in Hybrid War to Prerequisite of Good Governance. The article has been published in Analyzing Political Tensions Between Ukraine, Russia, and...

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Contemporary Polish-Slovak relations – dr Łukasz Lewkowicz at the conference in Kotań, September 11, 2020

On September 11, 2020, in Kotań (near Jasło, Poland), there was a conference on the contemporary Polish-Slovak relations organized by the Regional Centre for International Debate in Rzeszów. Consul of the Slovak Republic Slavomir Nagy and our analyst from the Department of the Visegrad Group, dr Łukasz Lewkowicz, took part in this event, during which they debated i.a. on the...

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Dr Hanna Bazhenova at the 9th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science” in Bologna (Italy), August 31 – September 3, 2020

At the beginning of September, dr Hanna Bazhenova (Department of Eastern Europe) participated in the 9th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science” in Bologna. The event was held online via the Microsoft Teams platform of the University of Bologna. Dr Bazhenova presented there her paper...

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“Między morzami. Rozmowy środkowoeuropejskie” – a discussion about the future of tourism sector in Poland and Slovakia, August 24, 2020

We would like to present you with the fifth episode of “Między morzami. Rozmowy środkowoeuropejskie” (“Between the seas. Talking Central Europe”) with dr Łukasz Lewkowicz and Adam Gąsior ( who talk about the future of tourism sector in Poland and Slovakia. The moderator is Bartosz Czajka, the adviser of the Regional Centre for International Debate in...

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IEŚ Working Papers 3/2020: „Jedan od pet miliona”: protesty społeczne w Serbii (“One of Five Million”: Civic Protests in Serbia)

IEŚ Working Papers: Jedan od pet miliona”: protesty społeczne w Serbii (“One of Five Million”: Civic Protests in Serbia) by Konrad Pawłowski  – the third volume of IEŚ Working Papers series has been published. Editors: Beata Surmacz, Tomasz Stępniewski In November 2018, one of the leading politicians of the Serbian opposition was beaten up by a group of hooligans...

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“Russia’s propaganda and disinformation in public places of Poland and Ukraine” – seminar, 17.06.2020

“Russia’s propaganda and disinformation in public places of Poland and Ukraine” 17 June 2020, 12:00–14:00 Languages: Pilish, Ukrainian, Russian The Institute of Central Europe was a co-organizer of the international seminar “Russia’s propaganda and disinformation in public places of Poland and Ukraine.” The seminar was presented in the form of a video conference. The...

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“Contemporary Security Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe” (“Современные вызовы безопасности в Центральной и Восточной Европе”) – a scientific seminar, 28.05.2020

On May 28, 2020, an online scientific seminar was held (via Zoom) co-organized by the Institute of Central Europe, entitled “Contemporary Security Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe” (“Современные вызовы безопасности в Центральной и Восточной Европе”). The Institute of Central Europe was represented by dr...

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Nowe Rozmowy IEŚ (podcasty)

Zapraszamy do wysłuchania dwóch nowych podcastów w cyklu Rozmowy IEŚ. Rozmowa Nr 26Polityczne manewry wokół Święta Zwycięstwa w RosjiPandemia Covid-19 zmusiła rosyjskie władze do zmiany daty obchodów Święta Zwycięstwa. Nie odbędą się one tradycyjnie 9 maja, tylko 3 września. Uznano, że tak duża impreza byłaby zbyt wielkim zagrożeniem dla jej uczestników....

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Dr Jakub Olchowski on Radio Lublin about Ukraine’s struggles with the coronavirus pandemic and the fires around Chernobyl, 19.04.2020

On April 19, 2020, Dr. Jakub Olchowski from the Eastern European Research Team of the ICE was a guest of Radio Lublin. In the program “Studio Wschodnie” he talked with editor Tomasz Nieśpiał about the situation in Ukraine and the actions taken by the Ukrainian authorities facing the coronavirus pandemic, and also about the fires around the Chernobyl power plant. Link...

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Dr Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik on Radio Lublin about the actions taken by the Baltic States against the coronavirus pandemic, 29.03.2020

On March 29, 2020, Dr. Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik from the BalticResearch Team of the ICE took part in the broadcast “Studio Wschodnie”on Radio Lublin, where she talked about the actions taken by the BalticStates against the coronavirus pandemic, and also on how the closure ofborders and refusal to transit cars by Poland affected Polish-Estonianrelations. Link to the...

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Seminar: Ukraine on Europe’s Frontier: Contemporary Challenges Influencing the Nation-State’s Institutional Stability, Performance, and Resiliency, February 24, 2020

The Institute of Central Europe would cordially invite you to the webinar “Ukraine on Europe’s Frontier: Contemporary Challenges Influencing the Nation-State’s Institutional Stability, Performance, and Resiliency”. The meeting will be held on February 24, 2020, at 12 a.m. at the ICE headquarters. The working language of the webinar is English. Professor Georgiy...

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Analyst of the Visegrad Team IEŚ dr Łukasz Lewkowicz at the Security Forum in Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), 12-13.02.2020

During the Security Forum, held at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Maciej Bel University, dr Łukasz Lewkowicz delivered a paper on  “Needless Alliance or Strategic Partnership? The Three Seas Initiative in the Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic. ” He also interviewed the representatives of the Faculty about cooperation with...

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Israel-Russia-Ukraine – a mosaic of interdependencies – lecture, 10.02.2020

On the 10 of February at 13.00 The Institute of Central Europe invitesto a lecture by dr Agnieszka Bryc: Israel-Russia-Ukraine – a mosaic of interdependenciesAfter the lecture, we invite you to a discussion. Agnieszka Bryc – a graduate of the Institute of International Relationsat the University of Warsaw, assistant professor at the Faculty ofPolitical...

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Dr Łukasz Lewkowicz, IEŚ analyst, at Radio Lublin about the trial regarding the murder of Slovak investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and its political consequences, 9.02.2020

Dr Łukasz Lewkowicz, IEŚ analyst, at Radio Lublin about the trialregarding the murder of Slovak investigative journalist Jan Kuciak andits political consequences, 9.02.2020 On February 9, 2020, Dr. Łukasz Lewkowicz from the IEŚ Visegrad Teamwas a guest of Radio Lublin. In the broadcast “Studio Wschodnie” hetalked about the ongoing criminal trial regarding the...

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