Historyczne filmy Andrzeja Wajdy (en translation)

Historical Films by Andrzej Wajda

Piotr Witek

ORCID: Piotr Witek:

Pages: 43-81

Edition: Lublin 2015

DOI: --

Abstract: The aim of this article is to look at the films by Andrzej Wajda as historical narratives and at the director himself as a historian who provides deep reflections about the past in his work. This article consists of three parts. The first part focuses on answering when a film director may be regarded as a historian. In the second part, I address the issue of various audio-visual strategies of constructing possible historical worlds; these strategies, used to create onscreen narratives about the past, include: visualisation of history, defiance of history, re-visualization of history, affirmation of history, modelling, accumulation, disregarding and symbolizing. In the third part, I use the aforementioned categories to discuss selected films by Wajda as historical works presenting various versions of possible historical worlds which balance between affirmation and defiance of history.