Polityka rosyjska wobec Rzeczypospolitej (lata 60. XVII wieku – początek XVIII wieku). Kwestia ukraińska (en translation)

Kirył Koczegarow

ORCID: Kirył Koczegarow:

Pages: 67-91

Edition: Lublin 2016

DOI: --

Citation method: K. Koczegarow, Polityka rosyjska wobec Rzeczypospolitej (lata 60. XVII wieku – początek XVIII wieku). Kwestia ukraińska, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej”, 14 (2016), z. 2, s. 67-91.

Abstract: This article discusses the so-called Ukraine issue in Russia’s policy towards the Republic of Poland (between the 60’s of the 17th century and the early 18th century). The article offers an in-depth analysis of the Polish-Russian relations (military conflicts, peace treaties, diplomatic strategies) in broader time frames than those assumed by scholars so far. In this context, motives and targets of Russian foreign policy towards Ukraine were pointed out and discussed. The article shows that the conflict of Ukraine, which constitutes the main axis of Polish-Russian relations, hinders the possibility of Russia and Poland forming warmer relations.