The European Vector of Ukrainian Migration Policy (en translation)

Hanna Bazhenova

ORCID: Hanna Bazhenova: 0000-0003-1724-7213

Afiliacja: Instytut Europy Środkowej, Lublin, Polska

Pages: 113-133

Edition: Lublin 2017

DOI: --

Citation method: H. Bazhenova, ‘The European Vector of Ukrainian Migration Policy’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2017, pp. 113-133.

Abstract: The subject of this paper is how cooperation with the European Union (EU) influences the formation of Ukraine’s migration policy. It gives a brief overview of the initial period of this cooperation, which started with the signing of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, and Ukraine (PCA). This paper closely examines the current state of Ukraine’s policy towards migration. It shows how the 2010 Action Plan on Visa Liberalization with the EU (VLAP) influenced the reform of migration management policies in Ukraine. It analyzes in greater detail the Concept of State Migration Policy of Ukraine (2011), the Law on External Labor Migration (2015) and the newly adopted Strategy of State Migration Policy of Ukraine for the Period up to 2025 (2017). The final part of this paper determines the major problems of Ukraine’s migration policy and prospects for its further development. This paper also contains recommendations how to improve the Action Plan on the Strategy of State Migration Policy implementation, currently in the process of elaboration.


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