Russia’s battle for remembrance. Memory laws in Vladimir Putin’s Russia exemplified by the Russo-Ukrainian war

Dagmara Moskwa

ORCID: Dagmara Moskwa:

Pages: 105-121

Edition: Lublin 2024


Citation method: D. Moskwa, Russia’s battle for remembrance. Memory laws in Vladimir Putin’s Russia exemplified by the Russo-Ukrainian war, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 22 (2024), z. 1, s. 105-121, DOI:

Abstract: This paper focuses on memory laws in V. Putin’s Russia, emphasising the Russo-Ukrainian war (2014 – present). The aim was to interpret legal acts regulating the interpretation of the war in the context of V. Putin’s politics of history. Additionally, parallels between legal acts regulating the interpretation of World War II and the Russo-Ukrainian war were highlighted. The primary research method is qualitative content analysis (legal acts, exit polls, etc.), supplemented by comparative analysis. I assume that V. Putin’s Russia is a memory authoritarian regime that recreates the Soviet memory regime surrounding World War II and uses memory on a unique global scale.


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