23 October 2019

Contemporary Polish-Lithuanian relations, 23.10.2019

Contemporary Polish-Lithuanian relations, 23.10.2019

The discussion devoted to the contemporary Polish-Lithuanian relations
was organized at the Institute of Central Europe, Lublin, on Oct, 23,
2019. The seminar included the issues of the economy,  energy and
infrastructure development, the Polish minority in Lithuania as well as
bilateral relations through the prism of regional and local cooperation.

Eduardas Borisovas:  Ambassador of Lithuania to Poland
dr Barbara Jundo-Kaliszewska: University of Lodz;  Author of the
monograph: The Hostages of History. Polish minority in the post-Soviet
doc. dr Andrzej Pukszto: Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas
Krzysztof Stanowski: Director of the International Cooperation Centre at
Lublin Municipal Office
Monika Kłos: Deputy Director of Noninvestment Projects Department at
Lublin City Office

Moderator: Dominik Wilczewski, Institute of Central Europe

Th discussion was launched to promote the book titled: Poland’s
relations with Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine 450 years after the Union
of Lublin
