Guidelines for authors

We invite you to publish your academic studies in the Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe. The text – meeting the publication requirements and matching the topic of the IESW Yearbook – should be sent via e-mail to the Editorial Assistant:

Anna Paprocka


  1. All the texts are checked with an anti-plagiarism program and reviewed following the standards specified by the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
  2. The Editorial Team informs on the journal’s website about the theme of each individual issue of the IESW Yearbook and their submission deadlines in December of each preceding year.
  3. Along with the article, each author needs to provide the following data: name and surname of the author, degree or scientific title, place of work (chair, institute, university), address for correspondence, telephone, e-mail, ORCID.
  4. Submitting materials to the Editorial Team is equivalent to the author’s statement that the work has not been published anywhere else, a request for its publication is not under consideration in other journals, and the author transfers to the Publisher the right to exploit the article.
  5. The technical requirements for the submitted manuscripts, the review and publishing processes are described on the IESW Yearbook website.
  6. The volume of manuscript (with footnotes and references) cannot be less than 0.5 of the publishing sheet, so 20,000 typographical characters (with spaces), but should not exceed 1 publishing sheet, namely 40,000 characters (with spaces). The manuscript should be divided into smaller editorial units with numbered midtitles.
  7. We require that all the illustrations submitted must be monochromatic only.
  8. Manuscripts to be published in the English issues are accepted in the English language only.
  9. The Editorial Team of the Yearbook does not charge for publishing the manuscripts, nor does it pay out any royalties.
  10. The Editorial Team confirms the receipt of the manuscript. Immediately after the in-house review, the Editorial Team informs the author on rejecting the manuscript or accepting it and forwarding for further processing.
  11. We also accept manuscripts other than scientific articles, in particular reviews of published scientific manuscripts.
  12. Authors receive one free-of-charge printed copy of the quarterly, sent to the provided address for correspondence.
  13. Authors are obliged to cooperate with the Editorial Team during the entire process of preparing their manuscripts for publication.
  14. The Editorial Team requires that all footnotes are prepared according to the template (PDF file).
  15. Structure of the publication:
    • author
    • author’s e-mail
    • author’s affiliation
    • ORCID
    • title of the article in Polish
    • title of the article in English
    • summary of the article in Polish (approx. 200 words, including the following: purpose of research; materials and methods; results; conclusions)
    • summary of the article in English (approx. 200 words, including the following: purpose of research; materials and methods; results; conclusions)
    • keywords in Polish (at least three)
    • keywords in English (at least three)
    • uniform numbering of particular chapters and subchapters (1, 1.1, 1.2, etc.)
    • references arranged alphabetically, separately for titles written in the Cyrillic alphabet (double entry: original language version and transliteration)