Cybersecurity challenges in Poland in the face of energy transition

Anna Kucharska

ORCID: Anna Kucharska: 0000-0002-5184-0902

Afiliacja: Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

Pages: 141-159

Edition: Lublin 2020


Citation method: A. Kucharska, Cybersecurity challenges in Poland in the face of energy transition, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 1, s. 141-159, DOI:

Keywords:, ,

Abstract: The transformation of the energy sector is one of today’s global megatrends. The main aim of this process includes shifting energy production to renewable sources, decarbonizing the economy, and improving energy efficiency, especially in the most energy-intensive sectors. These changes lead the energy sectors of different states to ensure security and maintain environmental protection in order to guarantee the civilization’s progressive development. One of the tools for the implementation and development of a new model of the energy sector is digitization, which is a direct consequence of the increasing complexity of the energy system. Digitization is an essential element in the management of smart grids and smart meters and for controlling the entire energy system, as well as guaranteeing fair distribution. The digitization process integrates the state energy system; however, it also increases its vulnerability to potential cyber-threats. The aim of this paper is to analyze the cybersecurity challenges facing the Polish power sector in light of the energy transition policy promoted in the EU with a particular focus on the latest legislation presented in the Clean Energy Package. The Polish energy sector is on the verge of structural changes; therefore the main question is: How to implement them to avoid errors? The paper provides a glimpse into the most venerable areas, which should be taken into consideration by political decision-makers.


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