Współpraca gmin obwarzankowych na płaszczyźnie gospodarczej. Zarys problemu

Cooperation of “municipalities bagel” on the economic level. Outline of the problem

Lech Jańczuk

ORCID: Lech Jańczuk: 0000-0003-2578-1520

Pages: 247-259

Edition: Lublin 2020


Citation method: L. Jańczuk, Współpraca gmin obwarzankowych na płaszczyźnie gospodarczej. Zarys problemu, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 4, s. 247–259, DOI:

Keywords:, , ,

Abstract: There are “urban-rural municipalities” in Polish administration nomenclature. They are territorial units where urban and rural areas have one name and one local government. There are also urban and rural municipalities that have one name but different local governments. That neighborhood of municipalities in Polish may be described as “municipalities bagel”.
The aim of this article was to investigate whether and to what extent the “municipalities bagel” cooperate (coordinate) the exercising public tasks on the economic level. The article attempts to verify the research hypothesis: in “municipalities bagel” there is a lack of coordination of the exercising public tasks”.
The research method was a diagnostic survey in which the questionnaire was conducted. In December 2019, questionnaire forms were sent to all “municipalities bagel” in Poland.
The results of the research indicated a lack of coordination in the performance of public tasks between “municipalities bagel”. The result is a reduction of the efficiency of performance of public duties in such municipalities. The “municipalities bagel” are functionally related areas. This link is characterized by the subordination of the interests of the rural municipality (especially economic). The development of bagel rural communes is determined by the development and cooperation with their urban counterparts.


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Keywords:, , ,