The securitization of immigration in Poland. Social and political contexts

Sekurytyzacja imigracji w Polsce. Kontekst społeczny i polityczny

Jan Gondek

ORCID: Jan Gondek: 0000-0001-6444-6990

Grzegorz Tutak

ORCID: Grzegorz Tutak:

Pages: 251-267

Edition: Lublin 2023


Citation method: G. Tutak, J. Gondek, The securitization of immigration in Poland. Social and political contexts, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 21 (2023), z. 1, s. 251-267,

Abstract: Currently, immigration issues occupy an important place in the debate on the future of Europe. One of the central themes of this debate is the issue of security. In spite of the functioning of supranational integration structures, individual states still remain a fundamental factor in shaping migration. In many cases, the issue of immigration is subjected to the process of securitization, framing immigration as a threat. It is the speech act that is important in this respect, being a kind of securitizing tool. Since 2015, one can notice elements indicating that the process of securitization of immigration has been present in Poland, too, which, among other things, is a consequence of the change of the ruling party, the immigration crisis that has taken place in Europe, and the migration situation on Poland’s eastern border. The article presents the factors that influence the process of immigration securitization. Additionally, it includes numerous statements from Polish politicians securitizing the problem of immigrants as well as the results of social surveys on attitudes towards immigration. The analysis of the collected material leads to the conclusion that the securitisation of immigration in Poland is not a completed process and that this process concerns a geographically defined group of immigrants.


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