Próby wzmocnienia pozycji Królestwa Węgier w epoce dualizmu w ocenie publicystów „Huszadik Század” (1900-1919)

Attempts to Strengthen the Position of the Kingdom of Hungary in the Dualism Era in the Opinion of the „Huszadik Század” Journalists (1900-1919)

Aleksandra Sylburska

ORCID: Aleksandra Sylburska: 0000-0002-4969-5048

Pages: 133-149

Edition: Lublin 2023


Citation method: A. Sylburska, Próby wzmocnienia pozycji Królestwa Węgier w epoce dualizmu w ocenie publicystów „Huszadik Század” (1900-1919), „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” Rok 21(2023), z. 3, s. 133-149, DOI:

Abstract: On June 4th, 1920, in Trianon, Hungary signed the peace treaty, due to which it lost 2/3 of its lands and 1/3 of its population. This meant the disintegration of the Kingdom of Hungary, whose strong position was sought-after by the Hungarian political elite in 1867-1920. The author of the article analyses the three stages of this project implementation, including the attempts to create a unified Hungarian nation, modernization of Zalitavia and the struggle to maintain the borders after the end of the World War I. The facts known from numerous studies were confronted with the opinions of the most important critics of the ruling elites of that time, journalists of the periodical „Huszadik Század”.