Herstoryczne porządki. Konflikt czy pluralizacja pamięci?

Herstorical orders. Conflict of memory or pluralisation of memory?

Inga B. Kuźma

ORCID: Inga B. Kuźma: 0000-0003-0195-0270

Afiliacja: Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska

Pages: 227-251

Edition: Lublin 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.11

Citation method: I. B. Kuźma, E. B. Pietrzak, Herstoryczne porządki. Konflikt czy pluralizacja pamięci?, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 227-251, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.11.

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Abstract: The issue of conflicts of memory is one of the more clearly outlined areas in contemporary Polish discourses of memory. One of its manifestations is Herstory, which involves discovering the forgotten history of women and restoring their rightful place in the public sphere, which also translates directly into issues of social and national identity, and historical policy. In the article we try to decide whether and to what extent herstory as a research approach create a caesura in the memory studies? We put the thesis about the existence of two oppositional currents – the alternative and radical turns of memory, and we are proving that herstory does not so much fit into this opposition as it functions across it, building pluralist discourse. Due to the specific nature of the data used in the text and their transdisciplinary nature, and given the anthropological and political research perspectives that are close to us, we base our research and conclusions on Gadamer’s hermeneutics, without which it is difficult to speak of both interpretationism and herstory itself.


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