Polityka pamięci i konflikty pamięci w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej

Issue editor: Agata Tatarenko, Szczepan Czarnecki

ISSN: 1732-1395

e-ISSN: 2719-2911

Number of pages: 324

Publisher: Instytut Europy Środkowej

Edition: Lublin 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2



Memory politics in the Former Yugoslavia

Views count: 1582
This article provides an overview of some of the most prevalent topics in post-Yugoslav memory politics as well as on some of the scholars working on these issues, focusing on the commemorative practices of the Second World War and the wars of the 1990s. Thirty years after the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’s disintegration, the discourse of post-war memory politics continues to dominate nearly all of the successor states, even though two of them have seemingly left the past behind to join the European Union. While the wars of the 1990s created an entirely new memoryscape in the region, they also radically transformed the way in which each country commemorated the Second World War. Although the article examines in-depth the collective remembrance of sites of memory, such as Jasenovac, Bleiburg, and Knin, trends across the broader region are also addressed. The work of young scholars, as well as experienced researchers, who have introduced innovative approaches in memory studies in the former Yugoslavia, is highlighted to show how new studies focus on the cultural reproduction of dominant narratives in addition to top-down political discourse.
V. Pavlaković, Memory politics in the Former Yugoslavia,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 9-32, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.1.

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Njegoš and memory disputes in Montenegro

Views count: 1316
Petar II Petrović Njegoš is probably the most famous figure in Montenegro’s history and a particular symbol of this place. Despite his short life, he achieved fame not only as a politician but also as an artist. The article aims to analyze how the memory of Petar II Petrović Njegoš – a symbolic figure in the history and culture of Montenegro – has been constructed. The analysis will focus on the public debate on this figure in relation to the motion to establish a new national holiday – Njegoš’s day, i.e., the day of Montenegrin culture. The study uses both the discourse method and content analysis, including legislative projects, newspaper articles, television broadcasts, public speeches, and other messages from individual politicians and intellectuals. The public debate on Njegoš revealed how the inconsistency of memory, primarily the Montenegrin, Serbian and Bosniak memory, generates conflicts and at the same time deepens the prevailing social divisions.
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Links between foreign and security policy and historical memory: the case of Serbia – Kosovo relations

Views count: 1352
The article aims to analyse the impact of historical memory on foreign and security policy using the example of the Serbia – Kosovo relations in the period of 2014-2019. Historical memory is a burden, challenge and opportunity for foreign and security policy, and has a considerable impact on bilateral relations between countries which used to be in conflict. Historical memory generates numerous research questions – who is the architect of memory? what are the actors? what are the mechanisms, tools and instruments of its creation? how is it used to maintain power and what are its effects? – to name but a few. In the example analysed, leaders use historical memory to create separate identities and gain power, whereas NGOs do it to commemorate victims. Historical memory is present in celebrating important dates, historical places, monuments and events, and creating national heroes. It also draws attention to the stereotypes in school textbooks and to transitional justice. The most important space for historical memory in the analysis is Kosovo and the role of an international organisation – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Historical memory has an important function in the process of regional reconciliation, which is an essential condition for cooperation and security in the Western Balkans.
A. Jagiełło-Szostak, Links between foreign and security policy and historical memory: the case of Serbia – Kosovo relations,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 85-101, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.3.

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Polityka historyczna Partii Akcji Demokratycznej w Bośni i Hercegowinie na przełomie XX i XXI wieku – zarys problemu

Views count: 1321
The aim of this paper is to make an overarching evaluation by looking at historical policy of the Party of Democratic Action (Stranka demokratske akcije, SDA) in Bosnia and Herzegowina at the turn of the 20th and 21st century and trying to (analytically) examine the main directions of this policy. Therefore paper will try to focus on the major historical figures and trying to analytically to indicate the reasons of the revival the Ottoman traditions in the public life of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Considering this issue I wonder what events and historical figures were promoted and which were censored by Bosnian politicians. What role in Bosnian historical politics was played by Srebrenica and the leader of Bosnian Muslims, Alija Izetbegović. The results of these studies indicate that it was primarily the conflict in Yugoslavia that contributed to the revival of Ottoman traditions among Bosnian Muslims. Only after the war did the historical policy gain institutional support and help the ruling party mobilize the electorate. Since then, the pillar of historical policy
has become the martyrdom of the nation, the Ottoman past as well as the cult of the leader of Bosnian Muslims, Alija Izetbegović. Also, the authorities aimed to convince the inhabitants of Bosnia that in their lives the period of communist Yugoslavia brought many negative consequences. This pejorative image was supported in the mass media and education.
Karol Kujawa, Polityka historyczna Partii Akcji Demokratycznej w Bośni i Hercegowinie na przełomie XX i XXI wieku – zarys problemu,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 85-101, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.4.

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Mniejszościowy etnobiznes w Rumunii. Przypadek słowiańskojęzycznej ludności w Marmaroszu

Views count: 1417
The author addresses the issue of ethno-business, which has been largely unresearched to date. In the approach proposed by the author, ethnobusiness is understood as a wide range of practices and behaviours related to the deliberate use of existing regulations going beyond the intentions of legislators that guarantee cultural and political privileges for national and ethnic minorities. Various activists and leaders gathered around ethnic organizations and co-creators of the discussed phenomenon most often pursue their private material or political interests. However, ethno-business is closely linked to the established Romanian legislation on national minorities. Thus, the author investigates the roots of this phenomenon, introducing readers to the regulations on minorities in Romania, and points to the social consequences of ethno-business. The analysis of the discussed problem is supplemented and illustrated by examples of specific behaviours observed by the author during his long-term and extensive ethnographic field research carried out on the Romanian-Ukrainian borderland between 2009 and 2010. Although this research project focused on aspects of ethnic and national identity among the Slavic-speaking community of the Maramures region, it also gave an opportunity to spot a number of behaviours that can be interpreted in the context of ethno-business. The ethnographic examples given in the article show how the policies related to the protection of national minorities in Romania can be exploited in various circumstances by different individuals who have relevant knowledge of the rights of national minorities.
T. Kosiek, Mniejszościowy etnobiznes w Rumunii. Przypadek słowiańskojęzycznej ludności w Marmaroszu,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 103-121, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.5.

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Kosiek T., Porewolucyjne transformacje rumuńskiej polityki wobec mniejszości narodowych, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 2015, t. 13, z. 1, s. 171-188, https://doi.org/10.36874/riesw.2019.

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The greatest catastrophe of (post-)colonial Central Europe? The 100th years anniversary of Trianon and official politics of memory in Hungary

Views count: 1412
The Treaty of Trianon (hereinafter Trianon), the enormous losses of territory and co-ethnics, and the shaking of Hungary’s status as a dominant power in the Carpathian Basin imputed a tragic understanding of contemporary Hungarian history on the Hungarian society, invoking the idea of a trauma lasting even today. Trianon’s understanding became a divisive issue for political parties after 1989, highlighting the ever-deeper divisions between right and left-liberals, since 2010. Its “overcoming” is a flagship project of the government’s politics of identity, with modest success so far. Thus, the 100th anniversary was a crucial moment as a test case for a self-professed nationalist, traditionalist, conservative political force for manifesting a comprehensive politics of memory. In the light of the newly built monument at the heart of Budapest, with the Hungarian names of all localities on the territory of pre- 1918 Hungary inscribed on its wall, a cautious shifting back to territorial revisionism was expected. In this article, I will argue that even with such tendencies being, obviously, present, the official commemorations were crafted with a surprising message, that attempts to turn the canonical understanding of Trianon upside down and reframe it into a common catastrophe of Central Europe. Doing so places the consequences in the context of the decolonization of history, the present decline of empires, and the emergence of nation-states while combining it with important tropes of the traditional, anti-liberal and revisionist Trianon discourse. Nevertheless, the result is a transparently political message that is not only driven by easily visible actual political goals (V4 and Central European cooperation), but one that detaches the politics of memory from historical references and legacies and creates a set of shallow symbols for utter instrumentalization, to recombine at will, in a vulgarised sense of post-modernism.
G. Egry, The greatest catastrophe of (post-)colonial Central Europe? The 100th years anniversary of Trianon and official politics of memory in Hungary,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 123-142, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.6.

Babucs Z., Száz éve feszítették keresztre, de a magyar él és élni akar!, felvidek.ma, 04.06.2020, https://felvidek.ma/2020/06/szaz-eve-feszitettek-keresztre-de-a-magyar-el-es-elni-akar/ [07.08.2020], https://doi.org/10.1556/2065.181.2020.10.12.

Békés M., A Trianon-egyenlet feloldása, mandinder.hu, 30.06.2020, https://mandiner.hu/cikk/20200630_a_trianon_egyenlet_feloldasa_trianon_101 [31.07.2020].

Berecz Á., Empty Signs, Historical Imaginaries: The Entangled Nationalization of Names and Naming in a Late Habsburg Borderland, New York – London 2020.

Egry G., A Fate for a Nation? Concepts of History and the Nation in Hungarian Politics, 1989-2010, [in:] Thinking Through Transition. Liberal Democracy, Authoritarian Pasts, and Intellectual History in East Central Europe After 1989, eds. M. Kopecek, P. Wcislik, Budapest – New York 2015, p. 505-524, https://doi.org/10.17356/ieejsp.v3i3.398.

Egry G., Beyond Electioneering. Minority Hungarians and the Vision of National Unification, [in:] Brave New Hungary. Mapping the “System of National Cooperation”, eds. J. Mátyás, Kovács, B. Trencsényi, Lanham (MD) 2019, p. 73-94.

Egry G., Otthonosság és idegenség. Identitáspolitika és nemzetfelfogás Magyarországon a rendszerváltás óta, Budapest 2010.

Egry G., Végre egy irredenta emlékmű?, hvg.hu, 18.04.2019, https://m.hvg.hu/360/hetilap360/2019/16/20191618velemeny2 [31.07.2020].

Egy országos közvéleménykutatás eredményei, trianon100.hu, 01.06.2020, https://trianon100.hu/cikk/egy-orszagos-kozvelemenykutatas-eredmenyei [31.07.2020].

Feischmidt M., A magyar nacionalizmus autenticitás-diskurzusainak szimbolikus térfoglalása Erdélyben, [in:] Erdély-(de)konstrukciók, ed. M. Feischmidt, Budapest 2005, p. 7-32.

Feischmidt M., Előszó, [in:] Nemzetdiskurzusok a mindennapokban és a nacionalizmus populáris kultúrája, eds. M. Feischmidt et al., Budapest 2014, p. 23-24.

Gerő A., Városok helyett magyar családokkal emlékezzünk Trianonra!, 24.hu, 13.04.2019, https://24.hu/kozelet/2019/04/13/gero-andras-trianon-emlekmu-varos-csalad-nev/ [07.08.2020].

Hopkins V., How Orbán’s decade in power changed Hungary, “Financial Times”, 21.05.2020, https://www.ft.com/content/414f202e-9996-11ea-8b5b-63f7c5c86bef [31.07.2020].

Kovács É., Overcoming History through Trauma. The Hungarian Historikerstreit, „European Review” 2016, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 523-534, https://doi.org/10.1017/s1062798716000065.

Kovács É., Trianon, avagy a traumatikus fordulat a magyar történetírásban, “Korall” 2015, vol. 16, no. 59, p. 82-107.

Laczó F., Totalitarianism without Perpetrators? Politics of History in the “System of National Cooperation”, [in:] Brave New Hungary. Mapping the “System of National Cooperation”, eds. J. M. Kovács, B. Trencsényi, Lanham (MD) 2019, p. 29-50.

Mark J., The Unfinished Revolution. Making Sense of the Communist Past in Central and Eastern Europe, New Haven – London 2010.

Máthé Á., Tíz tézis Trianonról, “Kommentár” 2020/2, kommentar.hu, http://www.kommentar.info.hu/cikk/2020/2/tiz-tezis-trianonrol [31.07.2020].

Megható videókkal segítik az összetartozást Trianon századik évfordulóján, origo.hu, 18.05.2020, https://www.origo.hu/kultura/20200518-kisfilmek-a-trianoni-bekeszerzodes-alairasanak-szazadik-evfordulojara.html [31.07.2020].

Mező A., A magyar hivatalos helységnévadás, Budapest 1982.

Mijnssen I., Die Schmach von Trianon: wie ein ungerechter Friede Ungarn und seine Nachbarn seit einem Jahrhundert prägt, “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, nzz.ch, 03.06.2020, https://www.nzz.ch/international/vertrag-von-trianon-ungarns-trauma-und-nationaler-mythos-ld.1558309 [31.07.2020].

Parliamentary Declaration on the Defense of National Identity, https://www.parlament.hu/irom41/10760/10760.pdf [31.07.2020].

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s commemoration speech, abouthungary.hu, 06.06.2020, http://abouthungary.hu/speeches-and-remarks/primeminister-viktor-orbans-commemoration-speech-trianon/ [31.07.2020].

Prime Minister Orbán: Within the next few years Central Europe will be the engine of the European economy’s growth, abouthungary.hu, 19.11.2020, http://abouthungary.hu/news-in-brief/pm-orban-within-the-next-few-years-central-europe-will-be-the-engine-of-the-european-economys-growth/ [31.07.2020].

Pók A., The Politics of Hatred in the Middle of Europe. Scapegoating in Twentieth Century Hungary. History and Historiography, Szombathely 2009.

Romsics G., Towards Negative Possession of Identity, [in:] Populism, Memory and Minority Rights: Central and Eastern European Issues in Global Perspective, ed. A.-M. Bíró, Leiden – Boston (MA), Brill, 2018, p. 89-129, https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004386426_007.

Romsics G., Trianon a Házban. A Trianon-fogalom megjelenései és funkciói a pártok diskurzusaiban az első három parlamenti ciklus idején (1990-2002), [in:] Az emlékezet konstrukciói, eds. G. Czoch, Cs. Fedinec, Budapest 2006, p. 35-52.

Szarka L., A közös történelem nehéz öröksége. Viták nemzet és állam historikumáról, „REGIO” 2014, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 156-192, https://doi.org/10.17355/rkkpt.v22i1.10.

Trencsényi B., A nép lelke. Nemzetkarakterológiai viták Kelet-Európában, Budapest 2011.

Trencsényi B., The Politics of “National Character”: A Study in Interwar East European Thought, Abingdon 2012, https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203806708.

Ungváry K., Politikailag és morálisan is védhetetlen üzenetet küld a kormány, nepszava.hu, 04.06.2020, https://nepszava.hu/3080312_politikailag-es-moralisan-is-vedhetetlen-uzenetet-kuld-a-kormany–interju-ungvary-krisztiannal [31.06. 2020].

Zeidler M., Ideas on Territorial Revision in Hungary: 1920-1945, Boulder (CO) 2007.


Czeskie rozliczenia z komunizmem po 1989 roku. Rozwiązania prawne i instytucjonalne

Views count: 1342
The Treaty of Trianon (hereinafter Trianon), the enormous losses of territory and co-ethnics, and the shaking of Hungary’s status as a dominant power in the Carpathian Basin imputed a tragic understanding of contemporary Hungarian history on the Hungarian society, invoking the idea of a trauma lasting even today. Trianon’s understanding became a divisive issue for political parties after 1989, highlighting the ever-deeper divisions between right and left-liberals, since 2010. Its “overcoming” is a flagship project of the government’s politics of identity, with modest success so far. Thus, the 100th anniversary was a crucial moment as a test case for a self-professed nationalist, traditionalist, conservative political force for manifesting a comprehensive politics of memory. In the light of the newly built monument at the heart of Budapest, with the Hungarian names of all localities on the territory of pre- 1918 Hungary inscribed on its wall, a cautious shifting back to territorial revisionism was expected. In this article, I will argue that even with such tendencies being, obviously, present, the official commemorations were crafted with a surprising message, that attempts to turn the canonical understanding of Trianon upside down and reframe it into a common catastrophe of Central Europe. Doing so places the consequences in the context of the decolonization of history, the present decline of empires, and the emergence of nation-states while combining it with important tropes of the traditional, anti-liberal and revisionist Trianon discourse. Nevertheless, the result is a transparently political message that is not only driven by easily visible actual political goals (V4 and Central European cooperation), but one that detaches the politics of memory from historical references and legacies and creates a set of shallow symbols for utter instrumentalization, to recombine at will, in a vulgarised sense of post-modernism.
P. Ukielski, Czeskie rozliczenia z komunizmem po 1989 roku. Rozwiązania prawne i instytucjonalne,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 143-164, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.7.

Bartůňková T., Něco si StB vymyslela, reaguje Nohavica, „Týden”, 18.11.2007, https://www.tyden.cz/rubriky/domaci/neco-si-stb-vymyslela-reaguje-nohavica_31224.html [02.04.2020].

Bartuška V., Polojasno. Pátrání po vinících 17. listopadu 1989, Praha 1990.

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Bukalska P., Problem lustracji w Europie Środkowej i krajach bałtyckich, „Raport OSW”, Warszawa 2005.

Bývalá prokurátorka dostala za smrt Milady Horákové šest let vězení, „Novinky.cz”, 09.09.2008, https://www.novinky.cz/krimi/clanek/video-byvala-prokuratorka-dostala-za-smrt-milady-horakove-sest-let-vezeni-40206976 [02.04.2020].

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Novák J., Kundera: Český život a doba, Praha 2020.

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Paczkowski A. i in., Rozliczanie totalitarnej przeszłości: karanie i upamiętnianie zbrodni, Warszawa 2018.

Pergler T., Babiš. Příběh oligarchy, Praha 2014.

Perknerová K., Na protest proti odvolání šéfa ÚSTR rezignuje část vědecké rady, denik.cz, 11.04.2013, https://www.denik.cz/z_domova/na-protest-proti-odvolani-sefa-ustr-rezignuje-cast-vedecke-rady-20130411.html [02.04.2020].

Platforma Europejskiej Pamięci i Sumienia, http://www.memoryandconscience.eu/ [22.03.2020].

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Selected aspects of historical policy towards the Slovak National Uprising in the Slovak Republic (en translation)

Views count: 1298
The Slovak Republic is a state that was formed as a result of the disintegration of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic in 1993. Slovaks do not have rich traditions of their own statehood. For nearly a thousand years, the Slovak lands were within the sphere of influence of Hungary and they formed a common state with the Czechs, although the latter had a dominant position. The only period of owning one’s own statehood was during 1939- 1945, i.e. the functioning of the Slovak State / Slovak Republic. However, it was a country under the influence of the Third Reich. The article concerns selected aspects of the historical policy towards the Second World War appearing in the political discourse in the Slovak Republic. Issues that evoke extreme emotions have been analyzed: the Slovak National Uprising and the Slovak State / Slovak Republic. The activities of the People’s Party – Our Slovakia, which was the only one that refers to the tradition of the Slovak state in 1939-1945 and attacks the Slovak National Uprising were also analyzed. Transcripts were analyzed from meetings of the Slovak National Council, press articles and programs of individual political parties as well as statements of politicians with particular emphasis on the People’s Party – Our Slovakia. The article uses a comparative method and a case study.
K. Żarna, Selected aspects of historical policy towards the Slovak National Uprising in the Slovak Republic,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 165-186, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.8.

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Miejsce Stepana Bandery w ukraińskiej polityce pamięci w latach 2014-2019

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The following paper covers the topic of Stepan Bandera’s place in the Ukrainian politics of memory in 2014-2019. Inspired by the narrowest of the definitions of the politics of memory proposed by Lech Nijakowski, I conducted a analysis of Ukrainian central and local authorities’ actions relating to the figure of Stepan Bandera. Among the sources that were used there are documents of various Ukrainian authorities, including the Verkhovna Rada, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (UINR) and local governments. I also analysed the public statements of Ukrainian politicians who held the positions of President, Prime Minister, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada or ministers regarding how they referred to the figure of Bandera. I have analogously analysed the statements made by Volodymyr Viatrovych, President of the UINR. The materials from the Ukrainian local media helped to trace the actions taken towards the figure of Bandera at the local government level. The qualitative analysis showed that Bandera played a noticeable but not at all key role in the Ukrainian politics of memory in the period under study. The leader of nationalism was described in the category of ethnocentrism, but at the same time the number of actions relating to his figure taken by the authorities was relatively small. The main qualitative change is the fact that the Bandera’s politics of memory went beyond Galicia and Volhynia. In the period under study, several dozen Bandera streets appeared in Central Ukraine, Bukovina and Transcarpathia, and 2019 was proclaimed the “Year of Bandera” in the Zhytomyr Region.
M. Wojnar, Miejsce Stepana Bandery w ukraińskiej polityce pamięci w latach 2014-2019,„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 187-210, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.9.

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W poszukiwaniu tradycji historycznej. Studium na temat białoruskich refleksji nad dziedzictwem I Rzeczypospolitej

Views count: 1272
In the article is discussed Belarusian historical tradition in relation to the policy of memory. Special attention was paid to her reflections on the heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the context of the phenomenon of belarusization. The text of the article consists of two parts. In the first of them, the author describes the history of Belarusian historical thought in connection with the process of evolution of the Belarusian national consciousness and the historical policy of the Belarusian elite. In the second part, the main trends of this thought were highlighted and described in connection with their attitude to the problem of belarusization of the Commonwealth’s heritage. The article points out that in Belarus, after independence, the next stage of an extremely complex process of forming national consciousness began, an integral element of which is the construction of historical discourse by government’s agencies.
S. Boridczenko, W poszukiwaniu tradycji historycznej. Studium na temat białoruskich refleksji nad dziedzictwem I Rzeczypospolitej, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 211-226, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.10.

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Herstoryczne porządki. Konflikt czy pluralizacja pamięci?

Views count: 1288
The issue of conflicts of memory is one of the more clearly outlined areas in contemporary Polish discourses of memory. One of its manifestations is Herstory, which involves discovering the forgotten history of women and restoring their rightful place in the public sphere, which also translates directly into issues of social and national identity, and historical policy. In the article we try to decide whether and to what extent herstory as a research approach create a caesura in the memory studies? We put the thesis about the existence of two oppositional currents – the alternative and radical turns of memory, and we are proving that herstory does not so much fit into this opposition as it functions across it, building pluralist discourse. Due to the specific nature of the data used in the text and their transdisciplinary nature, and given the anthropological and political research perspectives that are close to us, we base our research and conclusions on Gadamer’s hermeneutics, without which it is difficult to speak of both interpretationism and herstory itself.
I. B. Kuźma, E. B. Pietrzak, Herstoryczne porządki. Konflikt czy pluralizacja pamięci?, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 227-251, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.11.

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Narracje historyczne w niemieckim dyskursie publicznym – wybrane problemy i implikacje dla Polski

Views count: 1246
The main purpose of the research was to analyze selected elements of the German discourse on historical narratives present in public space and to determine the implications for Poland thereof. German- and Polish-language monographs and studies related to the issues of historical narratives and Polish-German relations were used and the content of selected German press materials was analyzed. The author used the method of analyzing history discourse, and the source analysis of selected German-language documents was made. The autor defined the concept of historical narratives and analyzed terminology used in German historical discourse. The author pointed out the role of The Federation of Expellees (BdV) and political organizations in public discourse. The role of anniversaries and historical of the World War II in German cinema were identified. Such analysis was the basis for describing importance of this proces for Poland. The main reference point in German narratives about World War II that are present in public space is the memory of the Holocaust. At the same time, the process of consistent promotion of the memory of German victims of war continues in Germany, taking place simultaneously on many levels. In parallel, the memory of the crimes committed during World War II by the Nazi regime on Poles is in the background, which is still a serious gap in German narratives of that period and also requires the Polish side to take further action to change this situation. Germany’s important instrument for promoting a positive narrative about the latest history of Germany is promoting the memory of the fall of the Berlin Wall and therefore further strengthening the image of Germany on the international stage.
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Węgry i relacje polsko-węgierskie w historiografii PRL – wybrane aspekty

Views count: 1278
This article aims at a panoramic presentation of the history of historiography of Hungary and Polish-Hungarian relations, during the communist period. It presents the inter-war traditions of research on this subject and the most important achievements of historians working in after war period, on the history of Central Europe. Particular emphasis was placed on the disciplines of historiography closely related to the specificity of research in the PRL: the Hungarian contemporary history, the history of Polish-Hungarian relations, military history, especially the history of World War II, and the synthesis and handbook (W. Felczak, J. Reychman). The paper discusses also work of same forgotten historians (E. Kozłowski).
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Samorząd terytorialny – 30 lat doświadczeń samorządu (gminnego) w Polsce

Views count: 1274
The article is an attempt to summarise the achievements of local government in Poland reactivated in 1990, and the topics discussed in the article focus on development and functioning since 1808 Prussian urban reform, which is the organisational model for contemporary local government units in Europe. Much of the article is also devoted to the functioning of Polish local governments in the 1990s and early 2000s, preceding Poland’s accession to the European Union. The issue of the use of pre-accession funds and funds available after 2004 by local governments, which had a significant impact on infrastructure investments in Polish communes, districts and voivodship, was discussed in detail. On the basis of available reports, the article also presents an assessment of the achievements of local government in Poland over thirty years, with its successes and failures. The author also refers to the possibility of using this legacy by local governments of neighbouring countries aspiring to EU membership, mainly Ukraine.
R. Kozyrski, Samorząd terytorialny – 30 lat doświadczeń samorządu (gminnego) w Polsce, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 2, s. 293-311, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.2.14.

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The article is an attempt to summarise the achievements of local government in Poland reactivated in 1990, and the topics discussed in the article focus on development and functioning since 1808 Prussian urban reform, which is the organisational model for contemporary local government units in Europe. Much of the article is also devoted to the functioning of Polish local governments in the 1990s and early 2000s, preceding Poland’s accession to the European Union. The issue of the use of pre-accession funds and funds available after 2004 by local governments, which had a significant impact on infrastructure investments in Polish communes, districts and voivodship, was discussed in detail. On the basis of available reports, the article also presents an assessment of the achievements of local government in Poland over thirty years, with its successes and failures. The author also refers to the possibility of using this legacy by local governments of neighbouring countries aspiring to EU membership, mainly Ukraine.