Konwergencja beta, sigma i gamma krajów postsocjalistycznych do Europy Zachodniej

Mariusz Próchniak

ORCID: Mariusz Próchniak: 0000-0003-2642-9510

Pages: 217-243

Edition: Lublin 2019

DOI: 10.36874/RIESW.2019.1.10

Citation method: M. Próchniak, Konwergencja beta, sigma i gamma krajów postsocjalistycznych do Europy Zachodniej, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 17 (2019), z. 1, s. 217-243, DOI: 10.36874/RIESW.2019.1.10.

Keywords: , , , ,

Abstract: The study aims to verify the existence of convergence of 28 European Union (EU) members and 16 non-EU post-socialist countries. The analysis covers the 1995–2018 period. The research has also been conducted for shorter subperiods: 1995–2004, 2004–2018, and 2010–2018. Three types of convergence are taken into account: beta (less developed countries exhibit a faster rate of economic growth than more developed ones), sigma (income differentiation decreases over time), and gamma (countries change their ranks in the GDP per capita ranking). The study confirms the existence of β-, σ-, and γ-convergence in both groups of countries. Convergence, however, is not an automatic phenomenon and there are years in which σ-divergence and γ-divergence were observed.


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