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We invite you to watch the webinar: “Burning Bridges to the Past: Battles for Historical Memory in Central and Eastern Europe” / 30 November 2023

We invite you to watch the webinar “Burning Bridges to the Past: Battles for Historical Memory in Central and Eastern Europe” ParticipantsProfessor Rasa Čepaitienė, Lithuanian Institute of History Professor Georgiy Kasianov, Head of the Laboratory for International Memory Studies at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Associate Professor Yurii Latysh, European...

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Baltic Team

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Michał Paszkowski - Baltic Team

Impact of Russian-Ukrainian war on crude oil supplies to Bulgaria and Romania

The Russian-Ukrainian war has reoriented the refining sector in the Central European region, including Bulgaria and Romania. The crude oil processing plants operating in these countries had for years imported a large amount of crude oil from the Russian Federation. The change in international conditions has contributed to the activation of efforts to diversify crude oil supply...

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