The Netherlands and the Migration Crisis

Małgorzata Pacek

ORCID: Małgorzata Pacek: 0000-0001-6906-1977

Pages: 55-72

Edition: Lublin 2017

DOI: --

Citation method: M. Pacek, ‘The Netherlands and the Migration Crisis’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2017, pp. 55-72.

Abstract: The Netherlands is a country with long-standing ties to migration. It once offered a new home to many people whose religious beliefs, political views or economic situation had forced them out of their countries of origin. For many years, the country implemented a model of a multicultural society, which essentially meant “live and let live”. But the external situation, the radicalization of sentiments in other European and non-European societies, and conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East that have triggered further waves of refugees, have sparked fears and the desire to shut oneself off from danger. This atmosphere provides fuel for populist politicians. Dutch society is moving away from the model it has been known for—tolerance. What the new model in the Netherlands will be, depends on how the Dutch authorities manage the dialogue with the Dutch public.


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