Perception of selected aspects related to membership in the European Union in the functioning of entrepreneurship in the Carpathian countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Ukraine)
ORCID: Agnieszka Pieniążek: 0000-0001-8886-2710
Afiliacja: Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Przemyślu
ORCID: Anna Nizioł: 0000-0002-9141-9135
Afiliacja: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
ORCID: Ewelina Nycz: 0000-0002-4363-9205
Afiliacja: Politechnika Rzeszowska
ORCID: Mateusz Stopa: 0000-0002-9286-5073
Afiliacja: SOLIDATA
ORCID: Krzysztof Szpara: 0000-0001-8384-9867
Afiliacja: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Pages: 45-60
Edition: Lublin 2024
Citation method: A. Pieniążek, A. Nizioł, E. Nycz, M. Stopa, K. Szpara, Postrzeganie wybranych aspektów związanych z członkostwem w Unii Europejskiej w zakresie funkcjonowania przedsiębiorczości w państwach karpackich (Republice Czeskiej, Słowacji, Polsce i Ukrainie), „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 22 (2024), z. 4: Unia Europejska z perspektywy państw Europy Środkowej, s. 45-60, DOI:
Keywords:produkty regionalne
Keywords: geographical indications, regional products
Abstract: Geographical indications have been protected internationally since 1883 and have been protected by the European Community since the 1970s. Currently, there are about 3,500 names of agricultural products and foodstuffs in the EU register of geographical indications. The purpose of this article is to verify how selected aspects related to EU membership, i.e., EU policy on the quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs are perceived in terms of the functioning of entrepreneurship in the Carpathian countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Ukraine. The results of focus group interviews conducted in 2021 as part of a study commissioned by the New Direction Foundation on Carpathian products, their producers and surrounding institutions were used to achieve this goal. The scale of use of EU solutions analyzed indicates that 20 years of experience is only the beginning of the road for Central European countries in terms of product protection. The lack of a GI protection system means the demise of local and regional producers.
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