29 November 2019

Polish Eastern Policy 2019 – KEW Conference, 27-29.11.2019

Polish Eastern Policy 2019 – KEW Conference, 27-29.11.2019

The conference titled Polish Eastern Policy 2019 will be held in Wrocław and Wojnowice on 27-29 November 2019. The conference is organized by Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego (the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe – KEW).

The Institute of Central Europe (ICE) is a partner in the panel titled „The Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans- the rivalry for the enlargement of the EU? What will the neighborhood policy of the new EU entail?”

Panel Moderators: Beata Surmacz, Director of the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin/ MCSU, and Tomasz Stępniewski, the Institute of Central Europe/ KUL

Beata Piskorska, Institute of Political Science and Public Administration, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Konrad Pawłowski, Head of the Balkans Team, the Institute of Central Europe/ MCSU

Michał Potocki, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (Daily Legal Newspaper), editor

Jakub Olchowski, MCSU / the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin

More information on the conference available on the KEW webpage:
