Public debt limit of the EU Member States and its impact on polish legal system – considerations in the context of public finance stability

Limit zadłużenia publicznego państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej i jego wpływ na polski porządek prawny – rozważania w kontekście stabilności i bezpieczeństwa finansów publicznych

Wojciech Bożek

ORCID: Wojciech Bożek: 0000-0002-3939-3759

Afiliacja: University of Szczecin, Poland

Pages: 239-255

Edition: Lublin 2020


Citation method: W. Bożek, Public debt limit of the EU Member States and its impact on polish legal system – considerations in the context of public finance stability, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 1, s. 239-255, DOI:

Keywords:, ,

Abstract: The author’s goal is to determine the consequences of implementing treaty solutions concerning public debt to the Polish Constitution and to define the differences between the methodology of counting public debt in the European Community and Polish legal order. The raised issues concern important problems from the substantive and practical point of view, therefore the study’s content is important for science and practice. The research methodology was based on the analysis of the EU and Poland’s normative solutions, opinions expressed in the international and national literature on the subject, and the case law of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal. The paper applies mostly the dogmatic-analytic and legal-comparative method with reference to available statistical data on Poland’s public debt. The study allowed the author to gain an understanding of the significance of fiscal rules implemented at the EU level to ensure stability. Article 216(5) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland indicates that the treaty solutions regarding the reference value (public debt-to-GDP ratio) were reenacted. However, until this day, the EU and Poland’s debt measurement methods do not fully correspond. In order to counteract excessive debt incursion, a state is required to take not only efficient actions but also ones that are adequate and, to some extent, flexible. This is an expression of acceptance of the EU’s preventive assumptions. However, there is still no full correlation in the methodology of calculating public debt in the EU and the Republic of Poland.


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