Military presence of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus

Obecność wojskowa Federacji Rosyjskiej w Republice Białorusi

Ireneusz Topolski

ORCID: Ireneusz Topolski:

Pages: 75-91

Edition: Lublin 2022


Citation method: I. Topolski, Military presence of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 75-91, DOI:

Keywords: , , , , ,

Abstract: A military presence on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is highly significant for the Russian Federation geopolitically. Russia is very particular about having buffer zones, client and neighbouring states with limited sovereignty on its borders. The aim of this article is to analyse the specificity of the Russian Federation’s military presence in Belarus. In the following article, two hypotheses have been verified using factor analysis. Firstly, sustaining control over the territory of Belarus is of particular importance for the military safety of Russia, while at the same time, it detrimentally affects the stability of the Central and Eastern Europe countries. Secondly, the Russian Federation does not have a permanent military base within Belarusian territory and its military presence is solely confined to the use of military and transport infrastructure, which is indispensable for rapid accommodation and deployment of the Armed Force formations as well as for the rotation of strike forces. Due to political reasons, a permanent military presence enables Russia to keep Belarus within its area of influence. Nevertheless, in military terms, the utilisation of military and transport infrastructure in order to rapidly deploy strike forces within the territory of the Republic is far more important.



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