Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Russia: geopolitics, security, and resilience

Issue editor: Tomasz Stępniewski, Beata Surmacz

ISSN: 1732-1395

e-ISSN: 2719-2911

Number of pages: 253

Publisher: Instytut Europy Środkowej

Edition: Lublin 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2



Russia-Ukraine war: independence, identity, and security

Views count: 761
Celem niniejszego krótkiego artykułu jest pokazanie, że stosunki między Ukrainą a Rosją są niezwykle złożone, ponieważ zbudowane są na wspólnej historii, religii, języku i kulturze i nie należy ich oceniać według zachodnich standardów. Oceniając obecną sytuację z szerszej perspektywy, należy podkreślić istotną rolę Ukrainy w polityce zagranicznej Rosji. Ukraina jest uważana za kluczowe państwo poradzieckie, znaczący kraj „bliskiej zagranicy”, którego pozycja, potencjał i położenie geopolityczne mają kluczowe znaczenie dla równowagi sił zarówno w Europie Wschodniej, jak i na całym kontynencie. W tekście podjęto próbę syntetycznego spojrzenia na obecną wojnę rosyjsko-ukraińską z punktu widzenia walki Ukrainy o pełną niepodległość, pamięć i tożsamość. Czy wojna bratnich narodów zniweczy wieloletnią politykę Rosji wobec Ukrainy? Czy konflikt zrujnuje rosyjskie plany reintegracji przestrzeni poradzieckiej, których osią jest Ukraina? Czy wojna pobudzi Ukrainę do zajęcia się kwestią swojej tożsamości, postsowieckiej spuścizny i zbiorowej pamięci?
T. Stępniewski, Russia-Ukraine war: independence, identity, and security, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 7-16, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.1.

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“Vaccinodemic” as a component of the global hybrid conflict between democracy and autocracy: the case of Ukraine

Views count: 776
Today, there is no doubt that the large-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops in February 2022 represents just another phase of the Russo-Ukrainian War that has lasted for nine years. There are many aspects to this confrontation. The consequences of the war will affect the future of the world order. It will include such aspects as security, formation of new political blocs, force interaction of political regimes, the choice of state-building models by the countries, the art of war, the role of civil society, and strengthening of the informational component in the confrontation between states and their alliances. Russia-Iran has already emerged as one such aggressive alliance. In the article, the authors explain the phenomenon of the infodemic and one of its structural elements, the “vaccinodemic”. The COVID-19 pandemic became a vivid example of the global clash of actors in international relations that implement conflicting ideologies – democratic or authoritarian rule in the social and political life of their states – and realize such aspects in foreign policy. The authors assert that the current situation in Ukraine, namely, the open military Russian invasion and the further aggravation of the security crisis, primarily in the European region, are only the next phase of an ideological confrontation that could be observed during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic by humanity. Now, this confrontation continues in a more aggressive, conventional format. Manifestations of the infodemic and its unique form, the “vaccinodemic”, captured the essence of the global confrontation, which will determine international processes for decades. Namely, Russia’s fight between democracy and authoritarianism has acquired neo-totalitarian characteristics. This fight will determine, in addition to other social phenomena, the structure and content of the global information space. It is noted that authoritarian regimes have shown some success in addressing the pandemic, which may aggravate the rivalry between democracy and authoritarianism, as the former will have to prove its effectiveness and long-term advantages.
S. Danylenko, O. Fursai, “Vaccinodemic” as a component of the global hybrid conflict between democracy and autocracy: the case of Ukraine, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 19-45, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.2.

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Poland’s road to NATO – objective and subjective obstacles

Views count: 780
The paper describes the Polish road to NATO which, contrary to the West’s expectations and promises, was long and bumpy. The author presents and analyses various obstacles that hindered Polish accession to NATO. The author divides such challenges into objective and subjective barriers, but using other criteria, the author points to specific geopolitical, international, political, social, and military conditions. Furthermore, the author presents the stances of different countries on the enlargement of the North Atlantic Alliance after the Cold War, particularly the attitudes of the USA, Germany, France, the USSR, and Russia as these states were either more or less supportive of Polish efforts to join NATO or not supportive at all. In 1989-1999 the Alliance’s position was slowly evolving from being initially unwilling to support Poland’s accession to NATO to being sympathetic towards it. In the paper, the author poses a few research questions on the above-mentioned obstacles on the Polish road to NATO and a few theses and hypotheses. The author states that primarily the USSR, later the Russian Federation, was against Poland’s accession to NATO. Initially, the West also opposed it. After 1989, its priority was to reunite Germany and stabilize military relations with Moscow through the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) and the elimination of Soviet military bases in post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
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Military presence of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus

Views count: 750
A military presence on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is highly significant for the Russian Federation geopolitically. Russia is very particular about having buffer zones, client and neighbouring states with limited sovereignty on its borders. The aim of this article is to analyse the specificity of the Russian Federation’s military presence in Belarus. In the following article, two hypotheses have been verified using factor analysis. Firstly, sustaining control over the territory of Belarus is of particular importance for the military safety of Russia, while at the same time, it detrimentally affects the stability of the Central and Eastern Europe countries. Secondly, the Russian Federation does not have a permanent military base within Belarusian territory and its military presence is solely confined to the use of military and transport infrastructure, which is indispensable for rapid accommodation and deployment of the Armed Force formations as well as for the rotation of strike forces. Due to political reasons, a permanent military presence enables Russia to keep Belarus within its area of influence. Nevertheless, in military terms, the utilisation of military and transport infrastructure in order to rapidly deploy strike forces within the territory of the Republic is far more important.
I. Topolski, Military presence of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 75-91, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.4.


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Dynamics and variability of the conflict in Ukraine. Condition and perspective analysis

Views count: 769
The purpose of this article is to analyse the dynamics and variability of the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. As noted in the introduction, the term “conflict” refers to the state of bilateral relations between the two countries since 2014, nevertheless, for the analysis of the current state of the conflict, the key date is 24 February 2022. Since the start of the invasion, described by the Russians as a “special military operation”, we have seen an increase in the dynamics and intensity of the conflict at all levels. The intensification of military operations has also affected the political, economic, and social spheres. Just when it seemed that the so-called “annexation referenda” would mark a new phase in the course of the conflict, and the scenario of a “Ukrainian version” of a low-intensity conflict would become more feasible, it turned out that the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine changed not only the situation on the frontline but also dynamized the other levels on which the conflict is taking place. This forced the author to update the analysed phenomenon. The article concludes with the constatation that we are in a “period of transition”, and the coming winter may once again change the situation of both sides in the ongoing war. Celem artykułu jest analiza zmienności i dynamiki konfliktu pomiędzy Federacją Rosyjską i Ukrainą. Jak zaznaczono we wstępie, termin „konflikt” odnosi się do stanu stosunków dwustronnych pomiędzy tymi państwami od 2014 roku, niemniej jednak, dla analizy obecnego stanu konfliktu, kluczową datą jest 24 luty 2022 roku. Od rozpoczęcia inwazji określanej przez Rosjan „specjalną operacją militarną” obserwujemy wzrost dynamiki i intensywności konfliktu na wszystkich poziomach. Intensyfikacja działań militarnych wpłynęła także na sferę polityczną, ekonomiczną i społeczną. W momencie kiedy wydawało się, że tzw. „referenda aneksyjne” wyznaczą nową fazę przebiegu konfliktu i bardziej realny stanie się scenariusz „ukraińskiej wersji” konfliktu niskiej intensywności, okazało się, że kontrofensywa Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy zmieniła nie tylko sytuację na froncie, ale też zdynamizowała pozostałe poziomy, na których ten konflikt się rozgrywa. Wymusiło to na autorze zaktualizowanie analizowanego zjawiska. Artykuł kończy się konstatacją stwierdzającą, iż znajdujemy się w „okresie przejściowym”, a nadchodząca zima może po raz kolejny zmienić sytuację obu stron w toczącej się wojnie.
M. Orzechowski, Dynamics and variability of the conflict in Ukraine. Condition and perspective analysis, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 93-105, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.5.

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The security of Ukraine in the context of information warfare in cyberspace carried out by the Russian Federation

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In the public discourse on issues of international security in the context of threats created by the Russian Federation, such threats are determined primarily by actions below the threshold of “war” (of a hybrid nature) and are made using non-military means, e.g. in relation to cyberspace. Actions of this nature are carried out by the aggressor’s special services or groups of hackers and activists associated with them whose aim is to paralyse the functioning of the attacked state (its administration, critical infrastructure). Such activities are multilateral; activity is undertaken in many fields (social media, provocative events, establishing pro-Russian organizations, creating information portals) and is still escalating. The purpose of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, is to identify the activities and assess the impact of Russian information warfare conducted by the Russian Federation in cyberspace in 2014 and 2022 on the security of Ukraine. The research used general-methodological research methods – primarily, analysis and critique of literature. The case study method was used to identify specific examples of information warfare used by the Russian Federation against selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Keywords: security, information warfare, cyberspace, Ukraine, Russian Federation Streszczenie: W dyskursie publicznym zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego w kontekście zagrożeń kreowanych przez Federację Rosyjską determinowane są przede wszystkim przez akcje z użyciem działań poniżej progu wojny (o charakterze hybrydowym) za pomocą środków niemilitarnych, m.in. w odniesieniu do cyberprzestrzeni. Działania o takim charakterze prowadzone są przez służby specjalne agresora lub powiązane z nimi grupy hakerów oraz aktywistów, których celem jest paraliżowanie funkcjonowania państwa atakowanego (jego administracji, infrastruktury krytycznej).
A. Rogozińska, The security of Ukraine in the context of information warfare in cyberspace carried out by the Russian Federation, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 107-122, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.6.

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First attempt. Crimea: between Ukraine and Russia (1989-1997)

Views count: 813
The article deals with the problem of Russia’s aspirations to revise the geopolitical system created in Soviet times using Crimea as an example. It shows the activities of both local political circles and the central authorities of the Russian SFSR, and later the Russian Federation, aimed at revising the existing borders and integrating the Crimean peninsula into Russia. The article covers the years from the collapse of the Soviet Union to the 1997 agreement between Russia and Ukraine.
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The position of Eastern European countries towards the Three Seas Initiative (TSI)

Views count: 769
The creation of the Three Seas Initiative (TSI), the political and economic format for 12 EU countries, is accompanied by a growing interest on the part of world powers and non-EU countries in the region. The aim of the research is to analyse the involvement of three Eastern European countries, namely Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova in projects developed under TSI. The research used a neorealistic approach. These countries belong to the post-Soviet area and, apart from Belarus, show a willingness to cooperate with Western institutions, which arouses a strong reaction from the Russian Federation. The research will result in determining their participation in projects implemented by TSI, including energy, transport, and digital infrastructure. These countries are on the way to working more closely with the Initiative, possibly under the new TSI plus format. The United States supports the expansion of the Three Seas Initiative.
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Poland in the face of the 2015 migration crisis

Views count: 812
The issue of mass migration to the European Union, although it has been present in the public space for several years, is still topical. Following the population movements in Europe and the massive influx of migrants from the Middle East to the borders of the European Union, the accumulation of which occurred in 2015, a number of phenomena related to the so-called migration crisis have been subject to research analysis. The aim of the considerations undertaken in this case study is to present the way in which Poland’s position towards the EU’s proposals for solving the migration crisis has evolved. A content analysis of the literature on the subject and the legal acts provided an answer to the question of how Poland’s attitude changed after the 2015 parliamentary elections. And what factors underpinned the change of approach regarding the reception of refugees. This study uses mainly theoretical research methods such as analysis, which includes content analysis of the literature and available documents, and statistical studies on the research phenomenon. The analysis of the problem leads to the reflection that the proposal for a solution to the EU migration crisis has divided both the European Community and many other countries. In the face of a crisis, solidarity with the community and responsibility for the security of citizens were at stake. In 2015, this issue aroused a lot of emotion during the ongoing political campaign in Poland and was part of the electoral game. The victorious party and the new government have unequivocally rejected the idea of relocation, confirming that security is their overriding priority.
A. Zyguła, Poland in the face of the 2015 migration crisis, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 155-166, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.9.

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Together or apart? Explaining cooperation patterns across the post-communist organized interests

Views count: 809
Interest groups constitute a specific civil society voice in democratic politics. They operate in a situation of constant friction between two main strategic goals: keeping the organization alive and exerting political influence. This article explores both topics, examining factors conditioning the group’s tendency to cooperate with others as well as the degree to which such cooperation facilitates access to policy-making apparatus, exploring the post-communist environment of four selected Central Eastern Europe (CEE) countries and three policy areas: energy, healthcare and higher education policy. The authors aim to apply and examine the interest groups’ cooperation patterns from the EU level to the CEE regional level. The article finds strong support for somewhat weak cooperation between interest groups in the region. However, even such moderate cooperation clearly affects the possibility of access to both the ruling parties and the parliaments. In particular, the cooperation of groups in the field of joint statements may turn out to be a form of remedy for the weaknesses of interest groups in the region.
E. Szyszkowska, S. Czarnecki, Together or apart? Explaining cooperation patterns across the post-communist organized interests, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 167-185, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.10.

Albareda A., Prioritizing professionals? How the democratic and professionalized nature of interest groups shapes their degree of access to EU officials, “European Political Science Review” 2020, vol.12, pp. 485-501.

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Beyers J., Braun C., Ties that Count. Explaining Interest Group Access to Policymakers, “Journal of Public Policy” 2014, vol. 34, pp. 93-121.

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Nationalities relations in a totalitarian state. The case of East Central Europe under Soviet occupation (1939-1941) – methodological issues and a research agenda

Views count: 788
The aim of the article is to present the specific nature of research on the issues of national relations in a totalitarian state based on the example of the lands of Central and Eastern Europe under the Soviet occupation from 1939-1941. In order to achieve this, the literature on the subject (in English and Polish) was reviewed as well as the most important methodological problems encountered by researchers. The research program was also outlined, along with a proposal for their conceptualization in the form of signalling the main aspects of the above-mentioned issues, including the specificity of the Soviet occupation of 1939-1941, social and ethnic relations in this area, and the Soviet nationalities policy. Several research methods and postulates were proposed, as well as perspectives and theoretical approaches that could facilitate the study of this complex and controversial subject, e.g., the interdisciplinary nature of research, methods of bottom-up formation of political attitudes of the population (the so-called “bottom-up” method), application of theories of the totalitarian state, and different theories of ethnicity. As a result, an interdisciplinary program of comparative studies of ethnic relations in Central and Eastern Europe under Soviet rule (1939-1941) was outlined, taking into account the transnational character of historical processes and the need to conduct micro historic analyses and case studies that would allow capturing of the diversity of ethnic relations and verify the effectiveness of the policy of the central Soviet authorities. The article argues that it seems obvious that the specificity of the analysed problematics can be properly grasped only by consideration it in the historical and theoretical context, adopting a comparative and transnational approach, from a micro-historical as well as everyday-life perspective that highlights the most important social factors which facilitated changes in interethnic relations.
M. Wierzbicki, Nationalities relations in a totalitarian state. The case of East Central Europe under Soviet occupation (1939-1941) – methodological issues and a research agenda, Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 205-232, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.12.

“They don’t work with people”. The authorities and civil society in contemporary Serbia

Views count: 793
The article discusses the condition of civil society in contemporary Serbia, with special emphasis on the relations between its representatives and the authorities (both at the local and state level). The main objective of the analyses is to answer the question of the position of the civil sector within Serbia’s broadly understood political system. What role do both formal non-governmental organizations and grassroots non-institutionalized social movements play in this relatively young democracy? What is the attitude of the authorities to grassroots civil activities, which often manifest criticism towards the decisions and actions of those in power? These questions will constitute the central axis of my considerations in this article. The research problem indicated above is analysed on two essential levels. Firstly, the article discusses existing studies and research on the nature of civil society in Serbia and the ways in which it functions. Secondly, the author analyses the results of qualitative research carried out at the late 2018 and early 2019 among representatives of Serbian civil movements and organizations. The conclusions stemming from these analyses are presented in the final part of the article. The analyses carried out indicate the problems that face the civil sector in Serbia. First and foremost, one should draw attention to the authorities’ rather negative view of the civil sector. What is also noteworthy is an extended network of connections of the authorities with the private sector as well as with right-wing, nationalist, pro-government organizations. These circumstances to a large extent hinder or even preclude dialogue (and further cooperation) between public and civil institutions.
A. Ziętek, “They don’t work with people”. The authorities and civil society in contemporary Serbia, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 187-203, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.11.

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Criminal offences as an element of anti-state activities in the eastern lands of the Second Polish Republic from 1921-1925

Views count: 740
The purpose of this research is to illustrate the phenomenon of common crime in the eastern areas of Poland from 1921-1925. In the text, the author gives examples of this and its cause and effect on the functioning of the young Polish state. The timeline of the study covers the period from the signing of the Riga Treaty ending the Polish-Soviet War in 1921, to 1925 when the Bolsheviks temporarily gave up their aggressive attempts to spread communism in Europe. The author of the study focused on the most important type of crimes characteristic of the borderland such as robbery and smuggling, using the literature on the subject, source publications, and archival resources, mainly from the Central Military Archives, the Border Guard Archives in Szczecin, and Ukrainian archives in Lviv and Tarnopol. The research aims to show the characteristic types of common crimes, their connection with anti-Polish activities on the part of the USSR and Lithuania, and the intertwining of political crime with criminal offences. In the work, the author uses the critical analysis of sources, literary analysis, and the comparative method.

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