Poland in the face of the 2015 migration crisis

Polska w obliczu kryzysu migracyjnego 2015 roku

Alicja Zyguła

ORCID: Alicja Zyguła: 0000-0002-9919-847X

Afiliacja: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

Pages: 155-166

Edition: Lublin 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.9

Citation method: A. Zyguła, Poland in the face of the 2015 migration crisis, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20(2022), z. 2, s. 155-166, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2022.2.9.

Keywords: , ,

Abstract: The issue of mass migration to the European Union, although it has been present in the public space for several years, is still topical. Following the population movements in Europe and the massive influx of migrants from the Middle East to the borders of the European Union, the accumulation of which occurred in 2015, a number of phenomena related to the so-called migration crisis have been subject to research analysis. The aim of the considerations undertaken in this case study is to present the way in which Poland’s position towards the EU’s proposals for solving the migration crisis has evolved. A content analysis of the literature on the subject and the legal acts provided an answer to the question of how Poland’s attitude changed after the 2015 parliamentary elections. And what factors underpinned the change of approach regarding the reception of refugees. This study uses mainly theoretical research methods such as analysis, which includes content analysis of the literature and available documents, and statistical studies on the research phenomenon. The analysis of the problem leads to the reflection that the proposal for a solution to the EU migration crisis has divided both the European Community and many other countries. In the face of a crisis, solidarity with the community and responsibility for the security of citizens were at stake. In 2015, this issue aroused a lot of emotion during the ongoing political campaign in Poland and was part of the electoral game. The victorious party and the new government have unequivocally rejected the idea of relocation, confirming that security is their overriding priority.


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