Human rights in the foreign policy of Ukraine. About liberal values in times of peace and war
ORCID: Juriy Temirov: 0000-0003-1062-942X
Afiliacja: Uniwersytet Doniecki im. Wasyla Stusa, Ukraina
ORCID: Larysa Leszczenko: 0000-0001-8469-6612
Afiliacja: Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polska
Pages: 291-310
Edition: Lublin 2022
Citation method: L. Leszczenko, J. Temirov, Prawa człowieka w polityce zagranicznej Ukrainy. O wartościach liberalnych w czasach pokoju i wojny, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 291-310, DOI:
Keywords: foreign policy, human rights, liberal values, Ukraine, war
Abstract: The aim of this article is an attempt to present the process of implementation of the human rights issue in Ukraine’s foreign policy since 2014, when, as a result of the Revolution of Dignity, the pro-European direction of the country’s development was clearly declared as a final liberation from the colonial influence of Russia. The hypothesis of the presented considerations assumes that the European path of development and the construction of a human rights protection system based on European models is the basis for the internationalization of human rights issues in Ukraine’s foreign policy and is important in building an international coalition against Russian aggression. The specificity of the discussed topic required turning to the theory of classical realism, the theory of the state’s foreign policy and the liberal theory. To achieve the outlined goal, discourse analysis and political and legal analysis were used. This article is based on the analysis of monographs and scientific articles on human rights issues, attention has been paid to selected documents of Ukrainian legislation on foreign policy, the importance of Ukraine’s Foreign Policy Strategy of 2021 has been particularly emphasized, selected resolutions and other documents of international organizations have also been taken into account, which relate to the issue of human rights in Ukraine, the current events and their impact on the level of activity of Ukraine’s foreign policy in the field of human rights were taken into account. On the basis of the presented considerations, it can be concluded that the threat to state security, which is war, does not exclude active actions in foreign policy to protect human rights and freedoms, including Ukraine taking a firm stance in defense of liberal values.
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