Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia jako obszar wpływów międzynarodowych po zimnej wojnie

Issue editor: Walenty Baluk

ISSN: 1732-1395

e-ISSN: 2719-2911

Number of pages: 381

Publisher: Instytut Europy Środkowej

Edition: Lublin 2022




Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia jako obszar rywalizacji i wpływu. Ciągłość i zmiana w perspektywie 30 lat

Views count: 774
Despite the three decades that have passed since the collapse of the USSR, the rivalry in the post-Soviet area continues. It is also going on in Central and Eastern Europe. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, followed by the Russian Federation’s open invasion of Ukraine eight years later, indicates that the intensity of the rivalry has intensified. The purpose of the article is to identify elements of continuity and change in this rivalry and to answer questions about the causes and prospects of the competition between states and non-state actors in the area. No less important is the question of whether the involvement of the superpowers in Central and Eastern Europe should still be considered a rivalry or rather a conflict. Elements of continuity can be found, among other things, in the involvement of the same actors, the reasons for involvement, and the persistence or even strengthening of conflicting interests. Also, some of the means and methods used remain the same. Among the elements of change are the unprecedented unity of the West and the increase in EU activity in the military sphere, the reduction of Russia’s ability to use some of its means and methods, and the loss of some of the advantages it had until recently.
A. Włodkowska, Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia jako obszar rywalizacji i wpływu. Ciągłość i zmiana w perspektywie 30 lat, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 9-21, DOI:

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Europejska autonomia strategiczna w percepcji państw Europy Środkowej

Views count: 994
The article concerns programs and activities related to the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. Research studies the so-called “European strategic autonomy” and its perception in Central European countries. Authors used extensive literature on the subject, official documents, including the EU treaties, declarations of the European Council, conclusions and decisions of the EU Council. The first stage of the European Security and Defense Identity was for the countries of Central Europe a preliminary period to membership in the EU and NATO. These institutions were not treated as competitive. Although during the implementation of the European Security and Defense Policy, NATO was considered by the Central Europe courtiers as a more credible organization. As a result of the reforms and the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty (LT), there were concerns among new members about the limitation of their sovereignty. This had a negative impact on the implementation of the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy. Therefore, the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) was introduced eight years after the LT entry into force. Central European countries joined PESCO and submitted their projects. Now we are entering the next stage in the development of European strategic autonomy e.g., in 2022, the “Strategic Compass” will be announced and a debate on the EU conference on the “Future of Europe” will be held.
A. Ciupiński, M. Szlachta, Europejska autonomia strategiczna w percepcji państw Europy Środkowej, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 23-39, DOI:

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Europa Środkowa i Wschodnia jako obszar działalności think tanków. Wybrane zagadnienia

Views count: 773
The aim of the article is to analyze the potential of the political advisory of think tanks in Central and Eastern Europe. Central and Eastern Europe at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s became a region of the development of the political advisory system, including organizations known as think tanks. In the following decades, think tanks from the region strengthened the organizational potential and gained a stronger position, and selected of them became think tanks with a global impact. Networking is an element that strengthens the position of think tanks in the region, including participation in international networks and the creation of their own networks. The article uses the quantitative research Global Go To Think Tanks prepared at the University of Pennsylvania.
W. Ziętara, Europa Środkowa i Wschodnia jako obszar działalności think tanków. Wybrane zagadnienia, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 41-58, DOI:

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Ochrona praw mniejszości narodowych w państwach powstałych w zachodniej części byłego Związku Radzieckiego

Views count: 971
The aim of the study is to present and compare the level of protection of the rights of national minorities in the states created by the break-up of the Soviet Union, along its former western border. The research covered: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. In pursuit of the stated aim, the processes occurring in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, which resulted in migrations and significant ethnic mixing of the population, are presented. In the next step, the population of ethnic minorities in the countries covered by the study is presented. It is indicated who each of the countries in question recognises as belonging to minority groups, as well as who Russia, as heir to the former empire, recognises as minorities living in the territories in question. In the final step, the principles of protection of the rights of national minorities in the respective states were analysed. Particular attention was paid to the issue of the freedom to use and teach the language of minority groups. The research showed that the three Baltic States, after regaining their independence, started to rebuild their national identity at the expense of minority rights. However, by doing so, they are now gradually improving their status. The other three states have followed a different path by specifically trying to protect the largest Russian-speaking language group. Growing pressure from Russia seeking to rebuild its imperial position has exposed the flaws in such an arrangement, and Russian-speaking minorities have become a tool of its efforts. As a result, Belarus is on the road to losing its own distinctiveness and reintegrating, Moldova is trying to balance although gradually strengthening its national identity, while Ukraine has abruptly changed its policy since 2014 and is now diligently building its own identity at the expense, however, of minority rights.
G. Bonusiak, Ochrona praw mniejszości narodowych w państwach powstałych w zachodniej części byłego Związku Radzieckiego, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 59-83, DOI:

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Założenia oraz cele Grupy Wyszehradzkiej, Inicjatywy Trójmorza i Inicjatywy Środkowoeuropejskiej a instytucjonalno-prawny wymiar prewencji terrorystycznej przykładowych państw członkowskich: Węgier, Estonii i Łotwy

Views count: 981
The aim of this article is to present the most important assumptions and goals of three international regional initiatives important from the point of view of Central, Central and Eastern Europe and Central and South Europe: the Visegrad Group, the Three Seas Initiative and the Central European Initiative, as well as institutional and legal solutions of selected countries associated with them in the field of terrorist prevention. For the analysis of the materials found, including studies and documents, the content analysis, the method of information synthesis and critical analysis were used. In addition, a case study, conceptual analysis and synthesis used in the description of key conclusions drawn after the literature review on various solutions, concepts and methods related to the presented issues (international regional initiatives, prevention and combating terrorism in exemplary countries) were used.
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Polska jako hub gazowy – możliwości współpracy z wybranymi państwami Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej

Views count: 1012
The aim of the article is to analyse the possibility of establishing a regional gas transmission and trade center in Poland, the so-called gas hub. The gas hub is described in many strategic documents adopted by the Polish authorities in recent years. For its creation, several key elements must be met. First of all, a strong, competitive, and diversified (energy sector, heating sector, industry, individual customers) natural gas market should be established in Poland. The natural gas distribution and transmission network should be able to balance supply and demand. Domestic production of natural gas should be supplemented by stable and diversified supplies. The domestic gas markets in the region should be integrated and the connection between the systems (interconnectors) should enable the gas transmission in both directions (import/export). The purpose of this article is to verify the possibility of establishing a regional natural gas transmission and trade center in Poland and to define the potential for cooperation with selected countries of our region. Keywords: natural gas, gas hub, gas infrastructure, regional cooperation Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest analiza możliwości utworzenia w Polsce regionalnego centrum przesyłu i handlu gazem ziemnym, tak zwanego hubu gazowego. Aby koncepcja, która opisana jest w szeregu strategicznych dokumentów przyjmowanych przez polskie władze w ostatnich latach, mogła zostać zrealizowana, musi wystąpić kilka kluczowych elementów. Przede wszystkim powinien powstać w Polsce silny, konkurencyjny, zróżnicowany (energetyka zawodowa, sektor ciepłownictwa, przemysł, klienci indywidualni) rynek handlu gazem ziemnym. Sieć dystrybucji i przesyłu surowca powinna móc równoważyć popyt z podażą surowca. Krajowe wydobycie gazu ziemnego powinno być uzupełnione przez stabilne i zdywersyfikowane dostawy. Krajowe rynki gazu w regionie powinny być zintegrowane, a połączenia między systemami (interkonektory) powinny umożliwić przesył surowca w obie strony (import/export).
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Views count: 1024
The analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian relations case study shows two different models of determining contemporary historical memory. The first (Russian) consists of continuing the imperial traditions in historiography and politics of memory, focused on maintaining the superpower myths of the tsarist and Soviet empires. The second (Ukrainian) points to an attempt by researchers and the political class to escape from the influence of Russian historiography as well as to shape their own national historical narrative and policy of memory, connected with in the European tradition. Geopolitical and historical determinism are the basis of Vladimir Putin’s imperial policy, trying to imitate the founders of the tsarist (Peter I) and Soviet (Stalin) empires. The conflict of the Russian imperial historical memory with the Ukrainian one was a significant reason for the aggression of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine. The Russian Federation has chosen an aggressive model of memory policy, treating history as a tool of influence against the so-called near and far abroad.
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Soft power kultury rosyjskiej w kontekście wojny Federacji Rosyjskiej przeciwko Ukrainie

Views count: 1092
The article aims to look at Russian culture as a soft power through the prism of the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and to analyze the changes in its perception that have occurred as a result of these events. Russian culture, especially high culture, is known and appreciated in the world, which gives it the power of attraction and the possibility of exerting influence. At the same time, it is not only a source of prestige and a tool for promoting Russia, but also spreading Russian imperial myths that contributed to the invasion of Ukraine. Moreover, the operation of Russian cultural institutions outside the borders of the Russian Federation is strictly controlled by the authorities, and its popularization is treated as a “special operation”. Russian culture imposed imperial optics on the perception of “near abroad”, deprived Ukraine of the right to its history, identity and cultural heritage. Due to its colonial nature, it does not perceive the suffering of oppressed nations, and is therefore unable to prevent the tragedy of their destruction, as is the case with Ukraine and its culture. As a result of the initiated war, Russia has embezzled some of its soft power. However, there is no consensus among the international community regarding the imposition of sanctions on Russian culture. Ukrainian cultural activists accuse the international community of hypocrisy because, in defending Russian culture, it does not perceive the deliberate and systematic destruction of Ukrainian culture. Russian culture requires a reinterpretation and unmasking of the imperial optics, as consuming it indiscriminately poses a threat to the national security of the “near abroad” states.
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Zagrożenia nuklearne i „teoria szaleńca” w rosyjskiej retoryce wojennej

Views count: 1035
The purpose of this article is to analyze the “madman theory”, a name coined by U.S. President Richard Nixon, in the rhetoric of russian war, especially after the events of 24th February 2022. According to the given theory, the leader cultivates the image of madness in order to lend credibility to his threats to use nuclear weapons and make his enemies think twice before they adopt any decision. With the russian invasion of Ukraine, the theory of the madman has been rediscovered and is again being used to explain the increasingly unpredictable behavior of russian President Vladimir Putin, who on February 27, 2022, ordered his defense minister and chief of general staff to initiate special combat tasks by nuclear deterrence units. This behavior by Putin is reminiscent of what has been described as the madman theory of foreign policy – giving the sense that someone is capable of anything if they cannot bring the war to an end the way they want.
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Polityka Turcji wobec Rosji i Ukrainy w kontekście zbrojnego konfliktu rosyjsko-ukraińskiego

Views count: 774
This article presents the main areas of Turkey’s relations with Russia and Ukraine, as well as Ankara’s policy implemented in the context of the Russian- Ukrainian conflict. The aim of the analysis is to show the role of Turkey in the war between Ukraine and Russia, as well as to indicate the most important opportunities and threats that result from it for this state. The research process uses a descriptive-explanatory approach to help answer the following questions: How are Turkish-Russian and Turkish-Ukrainian relations shaped? What influences Turkey’s policy and its attitude towards the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? What is the role of Turkey in the Russian-Ukrainian crisis? What opportunities and threats does the war in Ukraine bring for Turkey? The main research hypothesis is that Turkey’s actions taken in the context of the Russian- Ukrainian conflict are a balancing act typical of this state and they are based on two main assumptions – diplomacy to strengthen security and Turkey’s position in the region, and an integrated and multidimensional foreign policy that gives the opportunity to implement important role in matters of global importance.
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Ukraina w polityce zagranicznej Kanady po zakończeniu zimnej wojny

Views count: 828
The following analysis aims to indicate the position of independent Ukraine in Canada’s foreign policy after 1991. For the following reasoning, it is also important to present how bilateral relations evolved and how Canada reacted for the events in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in March 2014. The numerous Ukrainian minority and the influence of the Ukrainian lobby on the process of shaping Ottawa’s foreign policy are the main arguments explaining Canada’s involvement in Central and Eastern Europe. The research methods used in the text are the descriptive method as well as the decision-making and content analysis methods.
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Prawa człowieka w polityce zagranicznej Ukrainy. O wartościach liberalnych w czasach pokoju i wojny

Views count: 1082
The aim of this article is an attempt to present the process of implementation of the human rights issue in Ukraine’s foreign policy since 2014, when, as a result of the Revolution of Dignity, the pro-European direction of the country’s development was clearly declared as a final liberation from the colonial influence of Russia. The hypothesis of the presented considerations assumes that the European path of development and the construction of a human rights protection system based on European models is the basis for the internationalization of human rights issues in Ukraine’s foreign policy and is important in building an international coalition against Russian aggression. The specificity of the discussed topic required turning to the theory of classical realism, the theory of the state’s foreign policy and the liberal theory. To achieve the outlined goal, discourse analysis and political and legal analysis were used. This article is based on the analysis of monographs and scientific articles on human rights issues, attention has been paid to selected documents of Ukrainian legislation on foreign policy, the importance of Ukraine’s Foreign Policy Strategy of 2021 has been particularly emphasized, selected resolutions and other documents of international organizations have also been taken into account, which relate to the issue of human rights in Ukraine, the current events and their impact on the level of activity of Ukraine’s foreign policy in the field of human rights were taken into account. On the basis of the presented considerations, it can be concluded that the threat to state security, which is war, does not exclude active actions in foreign policy to protect human rights and freedoms, including Ukraine taking a firm stance in defense of liberal values.
L. Leszczenko, J. Temirov, Prawa człowieka w polityce zagranicznej Ukrainy. O wartościach liberalnych w czasach pokoju i wojny, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 291-310, DOI:

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Dyplomacja naukowa jako kategoria dyplomacji wpływu – przypadek Francji

Views count: 778
In the last decade, science diplomacy, one of the subcategories of diplomacy of influence, has recently gained unprecedented attention as a subject of both an academic inquiry and political discourse. States adapting to these changes create science diplomacy legal and institutional frameworks which combine the priorities of foreign and science and technology policy. But still, there are only a few advanced countries in this respect. One of them is France, which began building the institutional and strategic foundations of science diplomacy in the middle of the 20th century, and can now provide a source of good practice for states at the beginning of this path. The article presents the conceptual basis of diplomacy of influence and organisational model of French science diplomacy, an example of diplomacy of influence based on the potential and attractiveness of science. Analysing particular dimensions of the model, we point to conditions, such as the concept of foreign policy, assumptions of scientific policy or the structure of the state’s science and technology sector, which influence the specificity of French science diplomacy. We argue that the distinctive features of the French model of science diplomacy are its strong link to foreign and development policy objectives, its treatment of science as an essential instrument of foreign policy and diplomacy of influence, but also its emphasis on supporting the internationalisation of science and increasing France’s participation in international scientific undertakings.
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R. Czachor, Perspektywy i wyzwania reintegracji Górskiego Karabachu z Azerbejdżanem. Omówienie pracy „Liberated Karabakh. Policy Perspectives by the ADA University Community”, eds. F. Ismailzade, D. Krnjević Mišković, ADA University Press, Baku 2021, 274 ss., „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 349-360, DOI:

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B. Wróblewski, Recenzja książki: Kinga Smoleń, „Geostrategiczne położenie Turcji w XXI wieku”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2020, 389 ss., „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 361-369, DOI: