Nadbałtyckie metropolie Prus: Królewiec, Gdańsk i Szczecin na drodze modernizacyjnego rozwoju w XIX w. i na początku XX w.

The Baltic Metropolies of Prussia: Königsberg, Gdansk and Szczecin on the way to development of modernisation in the 19th and early 20th centuries

Tomasz Krzemiński

ORCID: Tomasz Krzemiński: 0000-0002-2682-2681

Pages: 81-93

Edition: Lublin 2023


Citation method: T. Krzemiński, Nadbałtyckie metropolie Prus: Królewiec, Gdańsk i Szczecin na drodze modernizacyjnego rozwoju w XIX w. i na początku XX w., „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” Rok 21(2023), z. 4, s. 81-93, DOI:

Abstract: Szczecin, Gdańsk and Królewiec (Königsberg) in the 19th century were the most important Prussian ports on the Baltic Sea. However, due to the general trends of the global economy, their role as trade centers has been marginalised. Under the influence of top-down modernization tendencies (agrarian reforms, liberalization of the economy, democratization of political processes, stability of the administrative system) they became modern economic, political and cultural centres. They confirmed their position as regional centres, but were outclassed by other centers in Germany and Europe.