Autor: Jakub Olchowski

Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1180
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Digital Ukraine – the idea of modernizing the state

The digitization process in Ukraine gained momentum only after Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage took power in 2019. It was then assumed that the “digitalization” of the state would help bridge the civilizational gap between Ukraine and the West and accelerate the modernization of the economy and public institutions. Within a few years, significant success was achieved....

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1134
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

The West’s military aid for Ukraine – crisis management in lieu of strategy

Unlocking the aid package for Ukraine by the United States will stabilize the front line and halt Russian advances, but it will not lead to a breakthrough in the war nor to Ukraine regaining the strategic initiative. Western support is scattered, unsystematic and often driven by ad hoc political considerations. Taking into account Russia’s resources and actions, aid for Ukraine...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 1084
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

The case of Valerii Zaluzhnyi – a symptom of growing political tensions in Ukraine

The dismissal from the post of commander-in-chief of General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, very popular in Ukrainian society and the armed forces, caused a great stir, which was then intensified by the information that he was appointed ambassador to Great Britain. In Ukraine, it is widely believed that Zaluzhnyi’s dismissal was the result of concerns of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 990
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Middle Eastern problems of Ukraine

Although the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not significantly inhibit Western, especially American, military aid to Ukraine, it is in a difficult position. By supporting Israel, it will become the object of criticism from the Arab world – which Russia will use for propaganda purposes. By not supporting Israel, it risks deterioration of relations with Western...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 946
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Consequences of the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin

The failed coup by the Wagnerites showed the weakness of the Russian state and personally humiliated Vladimir Putin. From his point of view, eliminating Yevgeny Prigozhin was necessary. In this way, he wanted to show who was in control of the situation and warn potential rebels. In the short term, this may produce results, but in the long term, the political losses may be serious....

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 891
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Hybrid Counter-offensive

At the turn of May and June 2023, Ukraine launched a counter-offensive. Aware of the high stakes and high expectations, both from the public and from Western partners, the Ukrainian authorities are trying to tone down excessive optimism. At the same time, hybrid instruments were also used to increase the chances of a counter-offensive by destabilising and causing chaos in Russia....

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 845
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Special Patriotic War

Victory Day celebrated on 9 May is still the most important holiday in Russia, and at the same time an important instrument of the Kremlin’s policy, both internally and internationally. The Moscow celebrations in 2023 and Vladimir Putin’s speech showed that Russia is in a very difficult military and economic situation. Despite this, Russia’s ruling elites intend to...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 834
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

The impact of the war on the dynamics of the political and social situation in Ukraine

Russian aggression affected the balance of political forces in Ukraine. Pro-Russian groups disappeared from the scene. Also, as long as the war continues, there will be no elections, perpetuating the current situation. At the same time, political conflicts and existing problems such as corruption and inefficiency of political elites are being revived. However, the morale of...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 731
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

The Black Sea grain game

The agreement enabling the export of Ukrainian grain from Black Sea ports contributes to reducing the food deficit. This issue is also an element of the political game around the growing importance of the Black Sea, in which the beneficiaries are all parties, i.e. Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the UN. The international position of Turkey, which plays an increasingly important role...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 704
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Credibility of international organizations in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (part 2)

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has contributed not only to the accelerated erosion of the international order but also to a decline in trust of international organizations. The limited effectiveness of key inter-state organizations, the controversial activities of some important non-governmental organizations, and Russia’s consistent disregard for international law may...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 700
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Credibility of international organizations in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (part 1)

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has contributed not only to the accelerated erosion of the international order but also to a decline in trust in international organizations. The limited effectiveness of key inter-state organizations, the controversial activities of some important non-governmental organizations, and Russia’s consistent disregard for international...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 646
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Russian propaganda attacks Polish-Ukrainian relations

In recent weeks, Russia has been conducting an intensive propaganda and disinformation campaign aimed at deteriorating relations between Poland and Ukraine. Warsaw is accused of, inter alia, striving to seize and subjugate the western part of Ukraine in the name of the idea of the “great Republic”. Poland is also presented as an irresponsible and Russophobic state, striving to...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 615
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Russian war crimes and their international context

Russia continues its policy of terror in Ukraine, which has been applied many times in other conflicts, committing murders, rapes, looting, deportations, and shelling civilian objects. International reactions are varied, which results, inter alia, from an opinion, supported by Russian propaganda, that the West has also committed war crimes. The punishment of Russian crimes will be...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 564
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Russian war crimes in Ukraine – another version of the old tactics

The Russian army is committing numerous war crimes in Ukraine, attacking civilians and destroying the country’s infrastructure. These actions are intended to suppress the will to resist of both the authorities and Ukrainian society, and at the same time they are probably also associated with the growing frustration caused by the prolonged stalemate and the lack of expected...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 517
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Ukraine and Great Britain – an alliance based on common interests

The key premise that justifies the pursuit of the announced creation of a Polish-Ukrainian-British security agreement is the similar position of the three countries towards Russia's actions. Great Britain and Ukraine also share common interests and many years of cooperation in the field of defense. Ukraine, uncertain of the prospects of NATO and EU membership, strengthens its...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 472
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

The crisis on Ukraine’s borders

In the background of the events at the Polish-Belarusian border, there is growing tension related to the potential transfer of the crisis to the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. Combined with the increased activity of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine, this causes growing concern not only for Ukraine but also for Western states and institutions. The multidimensional actions of...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 386
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

“Stabilization” of the situation in Belarus

A year has passed since the first protests against the regime, but now the protests have almost stopped, stifled by brutal repressions. Alyaksandr Lukashenka is consolidating, with the help of Russia, an authoritarian model of governance, and at the same time the social and economic crisis in the country is deepening. In international relations, Belarus is consistently moving away...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 382
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

35 years after Chernobyl catastrophe

After 35 years, the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant still affects the public consciousness – and not only in Ukraine. The Chernobyl disaster remains a symbol of the political changes accompanying the collapse of the USSR, and it reminds us of the threats generated by the development of our civilization. It is still surrounded by legends and an atmosphere of...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 315
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Joe Biden, the 46th President of the USA – Ukraine’s Hopes

Joe Biden’s election victory was welcomed in Ukraine. Donald Trump was treated with distrust resulting from the conviction that he was self-interested and did not understand the problems of Eastern Europe, and he was also accused of treating Ukraine instrumentally. Biden knows Ukraine, his administration will support Ukrainian reforms, and will probably put more pressure on...

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Eastern Team

IEŚ Commentaries 288
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Ukraine: New Security Strategy, Old Problems

The national security strategy of Ukraine that was adopted in September 2020 refers to many levels as well as threats and challenges, and also specifies Poland as a strategic partner. In the military dimension, however, the implementation of the strategy may be difficult. Despite rapid development and modernization, both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the arms sector are...

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Eastern Team

Commentaries IEŚ 256
Jakub Olchowski - Eastern Team

Belarus and Russia – a Fraternal Iron Grip

On September 14, 2020 in Sochi, Vladimir Putin met with Alyaksandr Lukashenka, and the meeting, as expected, did not bring about any crucial changes. It was supposed to be a symbolic message – Russia has confirmed that Belarus would remain in the sphere of its influence and in the “Russian world” the West should not interfere. Humiliated and put in a spot, Alyaksandr...

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