European strategic autonomy in the perception of Central European countries
ORCID: Mieczysław Szlachta: 0000-0003-4063-4289
Afiliacja: Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia w Zielonce, Polska
ORCID: Andrzej Ciupiński: 0000-0001-9813-5752
Afiliacja: Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza
w Częstochowie, Polska
Pages: 23-39
Edition: Lublin 2022
Citation method: A. Ciupiński, M. Szlachta, Europejska autonomia strategiczna w percepcji państw Europy Środkowej, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 20 (2022), z. 4, s. 23-39, DOI:
Keywords: autonomy, cooperation, defense, European Union, security, strategy
Abstract: The article concerns programs and activities related to the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. Research studies the so-called “European strategic autonomy” and its perception in Central European countries. Authors used extensive literature on the subject, official documents, including the EU treaties, declarations of the European Council, conclusions and decisions of the EU Council. The first stage of the European Security and Defense Identity was for the countries of Central Europe a preliminary period to membership in the EU and NATO. These institutions were not treated as competitive. Although during the implementation of the European Security and Defense Policy, NATO was considered by the Central Europe courtiers as a more credible organization. As a result of the reforms and the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty (LT), there were concerns among new members about the limitation of their sovereignty. This had a negative impact on the implementation of the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy. Therefore, the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) was introduced eight years after the LT entry into force. Central European countries joined PESCO and submitted their projects. Now we are entering the next stage in the development of European strategic autonomy e.g., in 2022, the “Strategic Compass” will be announced and a debate on the EU conference on the “Future of Europe” will be held.
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