Communist Party documents from the period of its rule in Kazakhstan and Poland – a comparative study

Dokumenty partii komunistycznej z okresu jej rządów w Kazachstanie i w Polsce – studium porównawcze

Madi Tursynbekovich Shotayev

ORCID: Madi Tursynbekovich Shotayev: 0000-0002-0535-7362

Talgat Zhandosovich Makhanbayev

ORCID: Talgat Zhandosovich Makhanbayev: 0000-0002-6275-6140

Dariusz Magier

ORCID: Dariusz Magier: 0000-0001-9367-7448

Pages: 135-151

Edition: Lublin 2023


Citation method: D. Magier, M. Tursynbekovich Shotayev, T. Zhandosovich Makhanbayev, Communist Party documents from the period of its rule in Kazakhstan and Poland: A comparative study, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 21 (2023), z. 2, s. 135-151, DOI:

Abstract: The article is a brief comparison of the documentation system of the Communist Party ruling Poland from 1944 to 1989 and in Kazakhstan from 1918 to 1991. Despite considerable geographical remoteness, there are strong similarities between them in terms of party organisation, office rules and provisions regulating archives. This was caused by the reflection of Soviet models in communist Poland after 1944. The regaining of sovereignty by Poland in 1990 and independence by Kazakhstan in 1992 led to the transfer of documentation from party archives to the state archive service in both countries. As a result, it was possible to study and make them publicly available.


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