Dylematy infrastrukturalnego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego państw tranzytowych ropy naftowej – na przykładzie Polski, Białorusi i Ukrainy

The dilemmas of the infrastructural energy security of the oil transit countries – on the example of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine

Maciej Mróz

ORCID: Maciej Mróz: 0000-0001-6265-9159

Afiliacja: Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Polska

Pages: 75-96

Edition: Lublin 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.4.4

Citation method: M. Mróz, Dylematy infrastrukturalnego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego państw tranzytowych ropy naftowej – na przykładzie Polski, Białorusi i Ukrainy, Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 4, s. 75–96, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2020.4.4.

Keywords: , ,

Abstract: Energy security is a sine qua non condition for functioning and development of the economy of individual countries. The presented analysis concerns the issues of energy security of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine from the perspective of importers and transit countries of crude oil in the infrastructural dimension. The aim of the article is to answer the question: which direction to develop the strategic transmission infrastructure in the transit countries in order to ensure energy security? Literature research on the subject and a comparative analysis shows that from the perspective of these countries, one of the most important determinant of their energy security is the strategic transmission infrastructure that allows for the diversification of the supplier’s sources and directions. However, the implementation of this strategy requires coordinated and consistent political actions as part of an international strategy.


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