[Archiwalny] Call for papers do „Rocznika IEŚW” 21 (2023)

Redakcja czasopisma „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” zaprasza do składania na adres yearbook@ies.lublin.pl artykułów i recenzji przeznaczonych do publikacji w 2023 r. do następujących tomów Rocznika:


„Rocznik IEŚW” nr 1/2023
Russia-Ukraine War and the Security Dilemma

Russia’s armed conflict with Ukraine, ongoing since 2014, has created conditions for Russia to revise the balance of power in Eastern Europe and even the international order established after the Cold War. One of the main geostrategic aims of the Russian Federation during Vladimir Putin’s term has been to rebuild those influences on the periphery that were lost due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The character of Russia’s armed conflict with Ukraine changed in February 2022. It was then that Russia launched a full-scale war against Ukraine. Contrary to the Kremlin’s expectations, the first days of the Russian offensive did not result in Ukraine’s swift capitulation. The Ukrainian army put up effective resistance against Russian forces, which experienced major losses in personnel and equipment. Russians have not succeeded in gaining full control over key cities in Eastern and Central Ukraine. A number of Ukrainian cities continued to be targeted by mass rocket and artillery attacks and bombings. The defenders resisted Russian forces but were unable to halt the Russian offensive. Attacks carried out on a large scale against civilian targets bear all the hallmarks of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The European Union and NATO provided assistance to Ukraine, while at the same time, sanctions and an escalating boycott of Russia are being increasingly felt by the Russian economy and by ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.

We invite papers in English that examine Russia-Ukraine war and Central and Eastern Europe from the geopolitical, economic, security (security paradigm shift), and historical perspective(s). We especially welcome comparative and case-study analyses as well as interdisciplinary research papers.

The paper MUST NOT exceed 40,000 characters (of overall length) and MUST be prepared in accordance with the editorial guidelines (https://ies.lublin.pl/en/yearbook/guidelines/).

Deadline for submissions: 15th May 2023.

Please note that authors who published their papers in the Yearbook in 2022 are NOT ELIGIBLE to submit papers in 2023.


„Rocznik IEŚW” nr 2/2023
Cooperation formats in Central and Eastern Europe: determinants, current state of affairs, perspectives

The objective of the project is the analysis of Central Europe from the perspective of multilateral cooperation formats. Special emphasis will be placed upon the Three Seas Initiative, the Lublin Triangle (a Quadrangle in the perspective), as well as the existing formats of cooperation: the Visegrad Group (V4), the Bucharest Nine, and Europe of the Carpathians.

We invite papers in English that examine cooperation formats in Central and Eastern Europe from the (geo)political, economic, security, and historical perspective(s). We especially welcome comparative and case-study analyses as well as interdisciplinary research papers.

The paper MUST NOT exceed 40,000 characters (of overall length) and MUST be prepared in accordance with the editorial guidelines (https://ies.lublin.pl/en/yearbook/guidelines/).

Deadline for submissions: 15th May 2023.

Please note that authors who published their papers in the Yearbook in 2022 are NOT ELIGIBLE to submit papers in 2023.