Bosnian Visions of Europe

Magdalena Rekść

ORCID: Magdalena Rekść: 0000-0002-6927-5489

Strony: 93-106

Wydanie: Lublin 2014

DOI: --

Abstrakt: The aim of this work is to present the Bosnian visions of Europe as well as its expectations concerning the membership in the European Union which seems to be an important issue as almost half of the Bosnian society is Islamic. Bosniak people believe their religion, or rather its non-orthodox version, will be accepted easier by the West. They see themselves as mediators between two civilisations able to show other Muslims that their faith does not stand in contradiction to European values. The citizens of the Bosnia and Herzegovina are in great majority in favour of accessing the EU. They treat this possibility as a chance to raise the level of life; to strengthen the social guarantees; to curb corruption and to improve the judiciary system. Those collective hopes come together with a grudge towards Europe for being passive during the war but also for lack of power of the international administration.