Białorusini: między narodową odrębnością a ruską wspólnotowością

Ryszard Radzik

ORCID: Ryszard Radzik:

Strony: 11-32

Wydanie: Lublin 2013

DOI: --

Abstrakt: The article is focused on the distinctive features of Belarusian collective identity. In particular, it explores such questions as: to what extent Belarusians perceive themselves as members of the pan-Russian (Orthodox East Slavic) community shared with Russians and Ukrainians, how this type of their collective identity is related to their national self-identification, and the degree of consolidation of the latter. Focusing on the period of Belarusian independence, the text draws on sociological research conducted in the last twenty two years and sets the findings against the background of a more distant historical past. The article also presents various types of Western- and Russian-oriented collective identities, with their ambiguous attitudes resulting from such factors as age, educational background and geographical patterns.