Idee wystąpień społecznych w państwach Kaukazu Południowego w XXI wieku

Paweł Nieczuja-Ostrowski

ORCID: Paweł Nieczuja-Ostrowski:

Strony: 125-146

Wydanie: Lublin 2012

DOI: --

Abstrakt: The article shows an analysis of social protests in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan in the first decade of the 21st century. As post-Soviet states, they faced many obstacles in the process of democratization. These countries appear as semi-authoritarian or not fully democratic and are in a bad economic situation with a low standard of living for much of the population. In the last decade in the countries of South Caucasus there were numerous mass public protests, including the spectacular Georgian “Rose Revolution”. Generally they are added to the so-called “colour revolutions”, as defined by the mass protests of the last decade, which shunned the use of violence aimed at the overthrow of authoritarian rule. The protests are of interest to many students of international relations because of the strategic importance of the region concerning a variety of political and economic interests of global and regional powers. This article attempts to identify the specificity of the idea of social protests in the countries of the South Caucasus.