Polityka Federacji Rosyjskiej wobec Republiki Czeczeńskiej: podstawowe uwarunkowania, założenia i próba oceny

Andrzej Szabaciuk

ORCID: Andrzej Szabaciuk: 0000-0003-3413-7454

Strony: 45-65

Wydanie: Lublin 2013

DOI: --

Abstrakt: The following article aims to present the main conditions and assumptions of the Russian federal centre’s policy on the North Caucasian Republic of Chechnya in the context of the radical Islam activity which destabilizes the region and other threats to territorial integrity. It is worth mentioning that the strategic location of the North Caucasus and, first and foremost, the unstable political situation of the region constitute a major challenge for the long-term policy of the Russian Federation in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Black Sea region. The authorities of the Kremlin are fully aware of this, therefore the present Russian policy on the region puts emphasis on suppressing separatist tendencies and, as much as possible, tightening bonds between the Caucasian republics and the Russian Federation.